
R.I.P. Ronnie James DIO - ✞ 16 de Mayo, 2010

Está solo Jack Black!!!

Dio can you hear me?
I am lost and so alone...
I'm askin' for your guidance,
Wont ya come down from your throne?
I need a tight compadre
Who will teach me how to rock.
My Father thinks you're evil,
But man, he can suck a cock.
Rock is not the devil's work,
It's magical and rad.
I'll never rock as long as I am
Stuck here with my Dad...

..::Ronnie James Dio (Dio poster)::..
I hear you brave young Jables,
You are hungry for the rock.
But to learn the ancient method,
Sacred doors you must unlock.
Escape your father's clutches,
And this oppressive neighborhood.
On a journey you must go,
To find the land ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Hollywood!
In The City ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Fallen Angels,
Where the ocean meets the sand,
You will form a strong alliance,
And the world's most awesome band!
To find your fame and fortune,
Through the valley you must walk.
You will face your inner demons.
Now go my son and rock!
Lo acaban de repetir!

Mae se echó una hablada sobre el respeto que ellos como artistas le deben tener a sus fans que me puso la piel de gallina!

Que titán!
Mae vi esto y moquie, uno mis mas grandes heroes elogiando y presentando un hyper merecido premio a Papa! en el festival de metal mas grande del mundo, Dio se fue, estando en el trono del mundo.
Palabras de uno de sus amigos cercanos y compañero en Heaven and Hell

Geezer Butler Tells The Story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Dio’s Final Days

While there been many touching tributes to the voice ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ metal, Ronnie James Dio, in recent days, this one from Geezer Butler really strikes a chord. RIP Dio...we love you!

Geezer Butler tells the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie’s final days and pays tribute to a dear friend.

Black Sabbath bassist and long-term friend ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the late, great Ronnie James Dio has opened up his heart to tell the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the final days in the life ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the legendary vocalist.

“It’s impossible to express in mere words the relationship Ronnie and I, Wendy and my wife Gloria had. He was much more than a friend, fellow musician, band mate. If I have a soul, then he is part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ it. I truly believe God, fate, destiny, whatever it’s called, brought us together again in 2006, after not seeing each other for 14 years, to do one final tour, which turned into three major tours and an album. We were having a blast together, enjoying each other’s company more than we had ever done before, talking about maybe doing one more album, when fate intervened again.

“We were planning on doing a two- or three-part North American tour, after having toured South America and Europe in spring/summer 2009, but on the first leg ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the North American tour, Tony’s (Iommi) hand ligaments were in a bad way, Vinny’s (Appice) shoulder became dislocated, and Ronnie was having terrible stomach pains. We decided to cut the tour, get healthy, and carry on the following year. Tony and Vinny had successful procedures to fix their ailments, but Ronnie’s stomach pains were worsening. I saw him at the Dio Halloween party, but he wasn’t drinking, unusual for Ronnie who liked his tipple. He was telling me he had made an appointment with a specialist, to see what it was…..

“Wednesday, 12th May 2010.
“Wendy invited Gloria and I to lunch in Santa Barbara. A few close friends ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie and Wendy, Omar, Simon, Paul, Tim, and Diana, had dropped by. Ronnie had no appetite whatsoever — the disease and the chemotherapy were taking an immense toll. As usual, we talked sports and had a laugh together — it would be the last time. That night, I had a beautiful email from him, that I will treasure forever. I sent him an email saying I’d see him during the following week.

“Friday, 14th May 2010.
“Wendy called to say she had taken Ronnie to hospital. The pain had become unbearable. We got to the hospital around 2 p.m. The doctor eventually sedated him. More and more friends were coming to visit — we took it in turns to hold Ronnie’s hand, and whisper our thoughts to him. Wendy wouldn’t leave his side — she stayed curled up on his bed the whole night. Gloria’s assistant, Debi, kept her company. I emailed Tony to prepare him for bad news.

“Saturday, 15th May 2010.
“There was no mistaking Ronnie’s room. There were around 25 to 30 friends outside his room. We knew the end was imminent. We all wanted to say our goodbyes. It was a day filled with tears and reflection. In the evening, the chaplain came, and we all gathered around Ronnie’s bed and prayed. Ronnie wasn’t going easily. At 11 p.m., most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us left, leaving Wendy her privacy to say her last farewell. The devastation was palpable.

“Sunday, 16th May 2010.
“7.46 a.m. As we were preparing to leave for the hospital, Gloria called Wendy to see if she wanted a coffee or any breakfast — she broke the sad news. Ronnie had just passed away.

“Wendy Dio has been a true saint through all this. She has been with Ronnie every step ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the way. Her courage has amazed us all. Even as I write, she is ensuring Ronnie has the finest send-off possible. God bless you, Wendel.

“Most people who were there for those last days chose to keep their thoughts private. I wanted to keep my thoughts private, too, but I’ve been overwhelmed by emails, and requests from the media and fans for comments.

“I can truly say I’ve never known anyone to have such loyal, loving friends, fans, and family as Ronnie. He really was a special person, blessed with a unique voice and presence. He loved his fans — he would stay meeting and talking to them until the early hours ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the morning.

“One ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my fondest memories ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ him comes from last year, at the Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth. He noticed my sister and her husband at the side ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the stage. During our opening song, he took the time to go over and hug them. Just a little thing like that made him special to me.

“************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course his music will live on forever, as will his influence.

“I have never seen so many tributes from so many musicians and fans, so many good wishes, no cynicism, just pure love and appreciation for a great man.

“God bless you, Ronald — thank you so much for the wonderful memories.”
Lo acaban de repetir!

Mae se echó una hablada sobre el respeto que ellos como artistas le deben tener a sus fans que me puso la piel de gallina!

Que titán!

Ah no si es vara lo que tenia de pequeño lo tenia de calidad de musica y calidad de persona, y me imagino que Ritchie Blackmore no era muy bueno con los fans y como dice DIO el gano mas siendo humilde
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"Yesterday, May 16th, on our way to Morroco to play our first show in North Africa, we heard the news about Ronnie Dio. It was really sad, all the band knew him, meeting backstage on many ocasions, some ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ our crew worked with him on his solo stuff and H&H as well, also hanging out in Brazil, which he visited many times and where he is loved, not ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ because ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ his magical music but also because he was one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the sweetest persons in the world, anybody that ever met him can tell you that. I had the privilege to jam with him on a show in Sao Paulo, in 2006 he invited me to play Mob Rules, the last song on the show and with a lead part!!!! I will never forget, it was one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the happiest days ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my life, ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a real master could be so kind. My condolences to Wendy Dio, family, friends and fans all around the world. He will be missed, the voice ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ metal, unique".

Andreas Kisser

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disculpen x el doble post pero me acabo de encontrar una recopilación de DIO que cubre toda la carrera del King ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Rock n Roll desde Rainbow hasta Heaven & Hell.

La tomé de una página donde hacen recopilaciones "caseras", es decir, no oficiales. Ponen todo tipo de música, especialmente europea, pero de vez en cuando se mandan con buen rock, grupos nuevos y viejos...

en fin, la página es BAISTOPHE

y esta es la info:RONNIE JAMES DIO

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KING ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ ROCK ‘N’ ROLL

Ronnie James Dio will no longer move us with new material featuring his golden voice. That’s sad news.
At age 67, he left us. The gems ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ his long and fruitful career remain. From Elf to Heaven & Hell, Ronald Padavona (his real name) has given us some ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the finest music in the rock/metal realm. Thinking about it, it’s quite incredible that such a small man has become one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the greatest, but the gift Mother Nature had given him was a sure sign ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a grand destiny.
Not all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ his artistic choices were judicious, he may even have released a few albums, under the DIO moniker, that didn’t fit his grandeur. Nevertheless, he will be remembered and cherished as the rock legend he managed to become.
We all miss you Ronnie.

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Mae vi esto y moquie, uno mis mas grandes heroes elogiando y presentando un hyper merecido premio a Papa! en el festival de metal mas grande del mundo, Dio se fue, estando en el trono del mundo.

"I do this for you, ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ for you, always for you... Thank you from my heart, from my balls"

Fuck, no hay palabras para describir la grandeza de este señor, definitivamente no las hay...
Palabras de uno de sus amigos cercanos y compañero en Heaven and Hell

Geezer Butler Tells The Story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Dio’s Final Days

While there been many touching tributes to the voice ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ metal, Ronnie James Dio, in recent days, this one from Geezer Butler really strikes a chord. RIP Dio...we love you!

Geezer Butler tells the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie’s final days and pays tribute to a dear friend.

Black Sabbath bassist and long-term friend ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the late, great Ronnie James Dio has opened up his heart to tell the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the final days in the life ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the legendary vocalist.

“It’s impossible to express in mere words the relationship Ronnie and I, Wendy and my wife Gloria had. He was much more than a friend, fellow musician, band mate. If I have a soul, then he is part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ it. I truly believe God, fate, destiny, whatever it’s called, brought us together again in 2006, after not seeing each other for 14 years, to do one final tour, which turned into three major tours and an album. We were having a blast together, enjoying each other’s company more than we had ever done before, talking about maybe doing one more album, when fate intervened again.

“We were planning on doing a two- or three-part North American tour, after having toured South America and Europe in spring/summer 2009, but on the first leg ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the North American tour, Tony’s (Iommi) hand ligaments were in a bad way, Vinny’s (Appice) shoulder became dislocated, and Ronnie was having terrible stomach pains. We decided to cut the tour, get healthy, and carry on the following year. Tony and Vinny had successful procedures to fix their ailments, but Ronnie’s stomach pains were worsening. I saw him at the Dio Halloween party, but he wasn’t drinking, unusual for Ronnie who liked his tipple. He was telling me he had made an appointment with a specialist, to see what it was…..

“Wednesday, 12th May 2010.
“Wendy invited Gloria and I to lunch in Santa Barbara. A few close friends ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie and Wendy, Omar, Simon, Paul, Tim, and Diana, had dropped by. Ronnie had no appetite whatsoever — the disease and the chemotherapy were taking an immense toll. As usual, we talked sports and had a laugh together — it would be the last time. That night, I had a beautiful email from him, that I will treasure forever. I sent him an email saying I’d see him during the following week.

“Friday, 14th May 2010.
“Wendy called to say she had taken Ronnie to hospital. The pain had become unbearable. We got to the hospital around 2 p.m. The doctor eventually sedated him. More and more friends were coming to visit — we took it in turns to hold Ronnie’s hand, and whisper our thoughts to him. Wendy wouldn’t leave his side — she stayed curled up on his bed the whole night. Gloria’s assistant, Debi, kept her company. I emailed Tony to prepare him for bad news.

“Saturday, 15th May 2010.
“There was no mistaking Ronnie’s room. There were around 25 to 30 friends outside his room. We knew the end was imminent. We all wanted to say our goodbyes. It was a day filled with tears and reflection. In the evening, the chaplain came, and we all gathered around Ronnie’s bed and prayed. Ronnie wasn’t going easily. At 11 p.m., most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us left, leaving Wendy her privacy to say her last farewell. The devastation was palpable.

“Sunday, 16th May 2010.
“7.46 a.m. As we were preparing to leave for the hospital, Gloria called Wendy to see if she wanted a coffee or any breakfast — she broke the sad news. Ronnie had just passed away.

“Wendy Dio has been a true saint through all this. She has been with Ronnie every step ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the way. Her courage has amazed us all. Even as I write, she is ensuring Ronnie has the finest send-off possible. God bless you, Wendel.

“Most people who were there for those last days chose to keep their thoughts private. I wanted to keep my thoughts private, too, but I’ve been overwhelmed by emails, and requests from the media and fans for comments.

“I can truly say I’ve never known anyone to have such loyal, loving friends, fans, and family as Ronnie. He really was a special person, blessed with a unique voice and presence. He loved his fans — he would stay meeting and talking to them until the early hours ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the morning.

“One ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my fondest memories ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ him comes from last year, at the Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth. He noticed my sister and her husband at the side ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the stage. During our opening song, he took the time to go over and hug them. Just a little thing like that made him special to me.

“************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course his music will live on forever, as will his influence.

“I have never seen so many tributes from so many musicians and fans, so many good wishes, no cynicism, just pure love and appreciation for a great man.

“God bless you, Ronald — thank you so much for the wonderful memories.”

Que bueno que Butler publicara eso para nosotros los fans, yo imagino que a Ronie le hubiera gustado que todos sus fans estuvieran con el en esos momentos y a nosotros estar ahi con el, pero logicamente no se puede, pero por lo menos nos queda el consuelo de que ya no sufre los dolores de la enfermedad

Palabras de uno de sus amigos cercanos y compañero en Heaven and Hell

Geezer Butler Tells The Story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Dio’s Final Days

While there been many touching tributes to the voice ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ metal, Ronnie James Dio, in recent days, this one from Geezer Butler really strikes a chord. RIP Dio...we love you!

Geezer Butler tells the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie’s final days and pays tribute to a dear friend.

Black Sabbath bassist and long-term friend ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the late, great Ronnie James Dio has opened up his heart to tell the story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the final days in the life ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the legendary vocalist.

“It’s impossible to express in mere words the relationship Ronnie and I, Wendy and my wife Gloria had. He was much more than a friend, fellow musician, band mate. If I have a soul, then he is part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ it. I truly believe God, fate, destiny, whatever it’s called, brought us together again in 2006, after not seeing each other for 14 years, to do one final tour, which turned into three major tours and an album. We were having a blast together, enjoying each other’s company more than we had ever done before, talking about maybe doing one more album, when fate intervened again.

“We were planning on doing a two- or three-part North American tour, after having toured South America and Europe in spring/summer 2009, but on the first leg ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the North American tour, Tony’s (Iommi) hand ligaments were in a bad way, Vinny’s (Appice) shoulder became dislocated, and Ronnie was having terrible stomach pains. We decided to cut the tour, get healthy, and carry on the following year. Tony and Vinny had successful procedures to fix their ailments, but Ronnie’s stomach pains were worsening. I saw him at the Dio Halloween party, but he wasn’t drinking, unusual for Ronnie who liked his tipple. He was telling me he had made an appointment with a specialist, to see what it was…..

“Wednesday, 12th May 2010.
“Wendy invited Gloria and I to lunch in Santa Barbara. A few close friends ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Ronnie and Wendy, Omar, Simon, Paul, Tim, and Diana, had dropped by. Ronnie had no appetite whatsoever — the disease and the chemotherapy were taking an immense toll. As usual, we talked sports and had a laugh together — it would be the last time. That night, I had a beautiful email from him, that I will treasure forever. I sent him an email saying I’d see him during the following week.

“Friday, 14th May 2010.
“Wendy called to say she had taken Ronnie to hospital. The pain had become unbearable. We got to the hospital around 2 p.m. The doctor eventually sedated him. More and more friends were coming to visit — we took it in turns to hold Ronnie’s hand, and whisper our thoughts to him. Wendy wouldn’t leave his side — she stayed curled up on his bed the whole night. Gloria’s assistant, Debi, kept her company. I emailed Tony to prepare him for bad news.

“Saturday, 15th May 2010.
“There was no mistaking Ronnie’s room. There were around 25 to 30 friends outside his room. We knew the end was imminent. We all wanted to say our goodbyes. It was a day filled with tears and reflection. In the evening, the chaplain came, and we all gathered around Ronnie’s bed and prayed. Ronnie wasn’t going easily. At 11 p.m., most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us left, leaving Wendy her privacy to say her last farewell. The devastation was palpable.

“Sunday, 16th May 2010.
“7.46 a.m. As we were preparing to leave for the hospital, Gloria called Wendy to see if she wanted a coffee or any breakfast — she broke the sad news. Ronnie had just passed away.

“Wendy Dio has been a true saint through all this. She has been with Ronnie every step ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the way. Her courage has amazed us all. Even as I write, she is ensuring Ronnie has the finest send-off possible. God bless you, Wendel.

“Most people who were there for those last days chose to keep their thoughts private. I wanted to keep my thoughts private, too, but I’ve been overwhelmed by emails, and requests from the media and fans for comments.

“I can truly say I’ve never known anyone to have such loyal, loving friends, fans, and family as Ronnie. He really was a special person, blessed with a unique voice and presence. He loved his fans — he would stay meeting and talking to them until the early hours ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the morning.

“One ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my fondest memories ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ him comes from last year, at the Sonisphere Festival, Knebworth. He noticed my sister and her husband at the side ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the stage. During our opening song, he took the time to go over and hug them. Just a little thing like that made him special to me.

“************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course his music will live on forever, as will his influence.

“I have never seen so many tributes from so many musicians and fans, so many good wishes, no cynicism, just pure love and appreciation for a great man.

“God bless you, Ronald — thank you so much for the wonderful memories.”

Que fuerte y que grande Butler! cómo se nota la gran amistad que los unía..
Vocalist Chuck Billy ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ San Francisco Bay Area thrashers TESTAMENT

"Got word [Sunday] night coming off stage [in Holland] that Ronnie Dio passed and it's a great loss to the world.

"I love Ronnie a lot.

"From day one when I met Ronnie, he was so genuine; humble and the sweetest person in the world. Since day one until two weeks ago when I saw him. Genuine Ronnie first and foremost: 'How's the children? How's the family? How's the health?'

"That's one thing about Ronnie — it's never about the music, never about the business, just being a person, a human being. Just truly concerned with how the family was and our health.

"I am truly going to miss you, Ronnie. I love you.

"Rest in peace."

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excelente el tributo para Ronnie quien sabe cuantos años mas hubiera seguido cantando e increible que a su edad su voz estuviera impecable ya que como hemos visto en otros cantantes su voz se les deteriora con el tiempo
Dio en la izquierda.

Mae yo lo agarre un toque tarde pero no estaba DIO y no salio en los creditos tampoco...

Mae es que dieron dos programas seguidos, el de Dio fue de 9pm a 9:30pm... por cierto un mae subió una parte, desgraciadamente no ha subido la primera parte aún...

Bueno, ya consegui los enlaces del episodio 8 de la segunda temporada de That Metal Show con Heaven and Hell de invitado...




(esto no salió al aire)

Sports... [video][/video]

Sweetleaf... [video][/video]

Dio and Ozzy... [video][/video]

Biff Bydford Int. (Saxon)... [video][/video]
Bueno, ya consegui los enlaces del episodio 8 de la segunda temporada de That Metal Show con Heaven and Hell de invitado...




(esto no salió al aire)

Sports... [video][/video]

Sweetleaf... [video][/video]

Dio and Ozzy... [video][/video]

Biff Bydford Int. (Saxon)... [video][/video]

Mae que aportazo!!!!

ya lo vi y mae se me hizo un nudo en la garganta, que grande que ES Ronnie James DIO!!!!!!

Cuando dice Dio que el no tiene porque creer que es mas que nadie, que el simplemente canta un poco mejor que algunos, y le pregunta Drunk: Mejor que quien??? y dice Dio que el (Butler)...que humildad de señor

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