
Expresa lo que sientes !!!

I never should have said the books that you read
Were all I loved you for

Who ever would've thought the books that you brought
Were all I loved you For

But the ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ thing I ever really wanted to say
Was wrong, was wrong, was wrong

Oh here's where the story ends
Ooh here's where the story ends

Duerme bien y descansa. Que tengas una excelente semana.

Última edición:
Now what would you have me do
I ask you please?
i wait to hear
your voice,
the word,
you say.
i wait to see your sign
would i
Hasta el día de hoy, pensaba que en la vida no había justicia.

Pero lo que sucede realmente, es que la justicia en la vida es como un molino antiguo; muele lento, pero fino.
Ask me why
I'll say it's most unusual
How can I even try to explain
why today I feel like dancing
singing like lovers sing
when I wouldn't normally do this kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ thing?
I wouldn't normally do this kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ thing

If people say I'm crazy
I tell them that it's true
Let them watch with amazement
say it won't last beyond breakfast
it's a phase he's going through
denigrate or speculate
on what I'm going through
because it isn't the sort ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ thing I'd normally do

Me pesa...y me pone triste a la vez. Añorar lo que no va a ser, debe ser ésto.

¡Cómo me gustan! recontradivertido...¿por qué tardé tanto en hacerlo?

Con ganas de ir yaaaa a. ...quiero saber resultados.

Cautelosa...simple desconfianza ante algo demasiado bueno para ser cierto.
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