
Stephen Hawking, Dios no existe.

+1 Transcribo esta parte de una entrevista que le hizo el periodista Morgan Strong por ahí de la época en que lanzó su libro Breve Historia del Tiempo.

"MS: You say that you may succeed in knowing how the universe began, but you will not know why. You do not -as Einstein did not- dismiss the notion ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a supreme creator.

HAWKING: I think I'm careful in my book. I leave open the question ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ wheter God exists and what his nature would be. One can never prove that God doesn't exist. What I did was show that it was not necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began, because that is determined by the laws ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ science. However, one could say that the laws ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ science were God's choice for how the universe behaves."

Interpreténlo Uds. como les venga en gana.
Diay si como dijo Mr.Popo,Hawkin solo dijo que no es necesario un Dios para lo que existe hoy en dia,pero no niega que pueda existir.

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