
mas evidencia del calentamiento global

por que se detiene? No le veo sentido.

tampoco le veo sentido.
pero dicen los mismos alarmistas que al haber mas evaporacion hay mas agua, mas lluvias y mas tormentas de nieve, mas hielo se va a acumular?

quien dice? y porque no pueden ser mejores o parecidas?
pero va a haber mas lluvia segun los alarmistas...

si y que?

quien dice que tiene que abandonarlas? y las nuevas tierras de cultivo?

Era opinión personal o no??

Usted tampoco tiene evidencia de que esas nuevas zonas van a ser creadas mágicamente....

Los puntos se los aclararía pero es seguir su juego de autojustificación.
peyistez dice que el hielo artico ha aumentado. de dónde saca esos datos?

diay pero entonces toda la hablada tuya de que los osos polares no estaban en riesgo y que era pura propaganda de "alarmistas"?

era pura paja tuya?

Antarctic Ice Sheet Melting Speeds Up

Ice loss in Antarctica increased by 75 percent in the last 10 years due to a speed-up in the flow ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ its glaciers and is now nearly as great as that observed in Greenland, according to a new, comprehensive study by NASA and university scientists.

In a first-************SPAM/BANNEAR************-its-kind study, an international team led by Eric Rignot ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif., and the University ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ California, Irvine, estimated changes in Antarctica's ice mass between 1996 and 2006 and mapped patterns ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ ice loss on a glacier-by-glacier basis. They detected a sharp jump in Antarctica's ice loss, from enough ice to raise global sea level by 0.3 millimeters (.01 inches) a year in 1996, to 0.5 millimeters (.02 inches) a year in 2006.

Rignot said the losses, which were primarily concentrated in West Antarctica's Pine Island Bay sector and the northern tip ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Antarctic Peninsula, are caused by ongoing and past acceleration ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ glaciers into the sea. This is mostly a result ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ warmer ocean waters, which bathe the buttressing floating sections ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ glaciers, causing them to thin or collapse. "Changes in Antarctic glacier flow are having a significant, if not dominant, impact on the mass balance ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Antarctic ice sheet," he said.


lo que está creciendo es el hielo a lo interno del continente. el hielo alrededor del continente, sensible al aumento de la temperatura de los oceanos, se está derritiendo. AMBAS COSAS son consecuencia directa del CG.

Definitivamente tus argumentos son débiles. Muuuuuuuuuuuuy débiles.
Las poblaciones de osos polares han aumentado.


Los que veo dicen que no...
The PBSG reevaluated the status ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the 19 recognized subpopulations ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ polar bears distributed over vast and relatively inaccessible areas ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Arctic. Despite the fact that much new information has been made available since the last meeting, knowledge ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ some populations is still poor. Reviewing the latest information available the PBSG concluded that 1 ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 19 subpopulations is currently increasing, 3 are stable and 8 are declining. For the remaining 7 subpopulations available data were insufficient to provide an assessment ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ current trend. The total number ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ polar bears is still thought to be between 20,000 and 25,000

15th meeting ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ PBSG in Copenhagen, Denmark 2009
acá otro link de osos polares

Climate Change - Polar Bears International

Changing Climate
Warming in the Arctic is happening much faster than computer models have been projecting. Large expanses ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ darker, open water are absorbing more heat and accelerating the process. Since the 1980s, Arctic sea ice has retreated dramatically, with the most extreme decline occurring in the summer melt season.

No one disputes that Arctic sea ice is going through a rapid melt-down. But some reports continue to suggest that it’s all part ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a natural cycle not related to the build-up ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ CO2 in our atmosphere.

The debate is over. Hundreds ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ climatologists participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change have concluded with at least 90% certainty that warming in the Arctic is linked to human activities that cause a build-up ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ greenhouse gases. Natural forces, from ocean currents to sunspots, may add to the problem, but they are not primary factors. Read more about this subject and watch our ice loss video.

emissions and restore the bears' habitat.”

Polar Bears Count
Let's talk about the numbers. Scientists have ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ rough estimates ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ historical polar bear populations. But we do know that in the 1960s, their numbers dropped sharply due to overhunting. Populations rebounded after restrictions on polar bear harvests went into effect in the1970s. It was a conservation success story.

Current threat. The current threat to polar bears is entirely different, and more dire. Today's polar bears are facing rapid loss ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the sea ice where they hunt, breed, and, in some cases, den. Changes in their distribution or numbers affect the entire Arctic ecosystem.

Results from long-term studies show:
Canada's Western Hudson Bay population: 22% decline since the early 1980s, directly related to earlier ice break-up on Hudson Bay

Southern Beaufort Sea population along the northern coast ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Alaska and western Canada: decline in cub survival rates and in the weight and skull size ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ adult males; similar observations made in Western Hudson Bay prior to its population drop

Baffin Bay population, shared by Greenland and Canada: at risk from both significant sea ice loss and substantial over-harvesting

Chukchi Sea population, shared by Russia and the United States: declining due to illegal harvest in Russia and one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the highest rates ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ sea ice loss in the Arctic
falso totalmente.

esta es evidencia de que lo que usted con tanta elocuencia defendia anteriormente ahora no sabe ni que decir.
Entonces para que pone grafiquitos del Artico?

Los osos en la decada del 60 eran de 5 a 10 mil unidades...hoy en dia son de 25 a 30 mil , estan mejor que nunca o no?
"No lo habían podido refutar"...

Peyistez debería patentar esa técnica retórica, bastante ingeniosa por cierto.

que tiene de ingeniosa?

Peyistez: Este cuadrado es rojo


todos los demas: es verde.

Peyistez: "No han podido refutar que es rojo".

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