
Aprendizaje Club de práctica del Ingles

It's because I don't like to talk with teenagers. So I want to be sure if you are + 19 years old.

So It could be good to already know it to avoid to even appear there. I know it maybe sounds weird but I really don't like kids/teens.
Let's do it!

Hello everyone, cerllel here.
Today's purpose is about to encourage you to join us in our dayly goal that is improving our skills in English sharing our experiences and knowledge without forget our meetings every Sunday.
If you are interested contact us here and we'll give you a warm welcome.
Bye for now...
:eso: :???:
Boom, boom, boom, boom. i'm gonna shoot you right down, knock you off ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ your feet, and take you home with me. put you in my house. boom, boom, boom, boom.

boom, boom, boom, boom. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. i love to see you strut when you're walking to me. when you're talking to me, that knocks me out.

boom, boom, boom, boom. you know i like it like that, with your baby-talk, oh and the way that you walk. you know it knocks me right down, knocks me off ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my feet.

boom, boom, boom, boom. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. oh, oh, oh, oh. how, how, how, how. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. now, now, now, now.
Perdon no se como llegó eso ahí...


Que práctican uds el ingles americano o el británico?
Hello pizotillox, sorry for answering you late, I encourage you to check this post and you will know where and when do we meet... besides you might get how we are....
I never knew we had a thread dedicated to the English language in here...

If anyone in here needs help understanding something, getting anything translated or simply have a question don't hesitate to ask.

I also specialize in Japanese, Portuguese and a little bit ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Standard Chinese. I am also very familiar with Romantic languages such as Italian and French as well as Germanic-based ones like Celt and German.

I never knew we had a thread dedicated to the English language in here...

If anyone in here needs help understanding something, getting anything translated or simply have a question don't hesitate to ask.

I also specialize in Japanese, Portuguese and a little bit ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Standard Chinese. I am also very familiar with Romantic languages such as Italian and French as well as Germanic-based ones like Celt and German.


Thanks Jamen... I really appreciate your words ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ supporting... :eso:

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