
Era TRUMP...

La corriente política por la que usted sigue es una basura, y lejos de buscar igualdad, buscan el enriquecimiento sin pensar en los demás.

Pero no tienes problema en apoyar a Donald Trump quien a pesar de ser "millonario" no pago Income Tax del 2000 Al 2015. :ROFLMAO:

Pero no tienes problema en apoyar a Donald Trump quien a pesar de ser "millonario" no pago Income Tax del 2000 Al 2015. :ROFLMAO:

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Recordaba la campaña presidencial de CR cuando un partido decía que escogieran el,menos Malo.

Trump y Biden ¿Cual seria el menos malo?


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La encuesta previa al debate de CNN muestra que Biden ganó claramente el debate

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    Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.
Un caos completo de debate, rescato cuando Biden e incluso el moderador mandaron a callar a Trump por sus constantes interrupciones y rabietas.

Debe haber algo seriamente muy malo en la educacion gringa para que eligieran a ese imberbe en el 2016.
Un caos completo de debate, rescato cuando Biden e incluso el moderador mandaron a callar a Trump por sus constantes interrupciones y rabietas.

Debe haber algo seriamente muy malo en la educacion gringa para que eligieran a ese imberbe en el 2016.
Soñabas con Obama ah loca...cochina!

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Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.

Recordaba la campaña presidencial de CR cuando un partido decía que escogieran el,menos Malo.

Trump y Biden ¿Cual seria el menos malo?
Mae creo en realidad ningúno lo es, solo son uno de esos políticos mentirosos como en nuestro país
Un caos completo de debate, rescato cuando Biden e incluso el moderador mandaron a callar a Trump por sus constantes interrupciones y rabietas.

Debe haber algo seriamente muy malo en la educacion gringa para que eligieran a ese imberbe en el 2016.

**************************************** :cool:

En realidad sea quien sea que este en el trono ninguno realmente manda,.

Pueden hacer sugerencias para ver si las toman en cuenta sus jefes "LOS DUEÑOS DE LA RESERVA FEDERAL -FMI-" (Que por cierto son los mismos dueños del Banco Central De Costa Rica.

¿Y Estas Mas A Favor De Biden?
Mae creo en realidad ningúno lo es, solo son uno de esos políticos mentirosos como en nuestro país
Biden tiene como 50 años en política...y está más chocho que Trump...

Cuando pensó que Churchill era de Estados Unidos por ejemplo, lo que dijo de los negros en ambas ocasiones.

Trump es otro más, pero los datos lo apoyan.

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Biden tiene como 50 años en política...y está más chocho que Trump...

Cuando pensó que Churchill era de Estados Unidos por ejemplo, lo que dijo de los negros en ambas ocasiones.

Trump es otro más, pero los datos lo apoyan.

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Como digo ninguno es digno para dirigir
Biden tiene como 50 años en política...y está más chocho que Trump...

Cuando pensó que Churchill era de Estados Unidos por ejemplo, lo que dijo de los negros en ambas ocasiones.

Trump es otro más, pero los datos lo apoyan.

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Cuales datos son esos?

Mas de 200.000 muertos y 7 millones de infectados por el COVID, convirtiendose en el pais con la mayor cantidad de fallecidos.

Una economia boyante heredada de la Administracion Obama que ahora esta destruida.

No hay muro y mucho menos Mexico va a pagarlo como el habia prometido.

Ser despreciados por todo el mundo al punto que la mayoria de paises les tienen cerradas las fronteras a los gringos.

Ser vistos con lastima por naciones mas desarrolladas como Alemania y Canada.

Esos datos?
Cuales datos son esos?

Mas de 200.000 muertos y 7 millones de infectados por el COVID, convirtiendose en el pais con la mayor cantidad de fallecidos.

Una economia boyante heredada de la Administracion Obama que ahora esta destruida.

No hay muro y mucho menos Mexico va a pagarlo como el habia prometido.

Ser despreciados por todo el mundo al punto que la mayoria de paises les tienen cerradas las fronteras a los gringos.

Ser vistos con lastima por naciones mas desarrolladas como Alemania y Canada.

Esos datos?


Heredada de se saca al negro de la boca....literalmente...loca

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Ese senor no aprende, insulta igual que el "mesias" al que idolatra cuando se siente arrinconado, yo solo busco educarlo.:(
Educarlo jujujuju...

De donde saca que heredó la economía de Obama?

Y que es el asunto que usted tiene contra Trump? Que le hizo o que?

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Educarlo jujujuju...

De donde saca que heredó la economía de Obama?

Y que es el asunto que usted tiene contra Trump? Que le hizo o que?

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Data show Trump didn't 'build' a great economy. He inherited it

The average quarterly economic growth under Trump, 2.5 percent, was almost exactly what it was under Obama in the second term, 2.4 percent.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s campaign speeches can careen into many topics, but his primary appeal continues to be that he built “the greatest economy that we've had in our history” before the COVID-19 pandemic and he can do it again. The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows he has an edge with voters on that issue and the Trump economy is likely to be a big topic this week at the Republican convention.

But the real story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Trump economy, and the president’s role in building it, is not so simple. If you compare key economic indicators from Barack Obama’s second term in office to the first three years ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Trump’s time (that is, before the pandemic hit), the data show a continuation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ trends, not a dramatic shift. It suggests Trump didn’t build something new; rather he inherited a pretty good situation.

Start with the broadest measure ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ economic health, gross domestic product. In 2016, Trump said he was unhappy that the country’s economic growth rate was under 3 percent a year. Trump said he thought the economy could grow at better-than-4-percent annual rate.

But the numbers show that average quarterly economic growth under Trump, 2.5 percent, was almost exactly what it was under Obama in the second term, 2.4 percent.

Other than the overall similarity, two things jump out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ those numbers. First, Trump didn’t get near his 4 percent figure. Second, the growth that began in Obama’s second term and essentially continued under Trump was enough to create an economy that even Trump believes was great. In other words, there might be something to be said for slow-steady growth over a prolonged period ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ time.

Job numbers for Obama and Trump show a similar story.

The president rightly takes credit for having low unemployment during his presidency. In December ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 2019, the unemployment rate was a scant 3.5 percent, the lowest it had been in 50 years.

However, as good as that number was, when Trump took office the rate was already at 4.7 percent. That figure is quite low by historical standards (lower than all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the 1980s as well as most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the 1990s and 2000s). In December ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 2017, it was the lowest the number had been since the Great Recession. In fact, Obama saw a much steeper drop in unemployment in his second term, a 3.3 drop in the rate, than Trump did in his first three years, a decline ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 1.2 points.

That’s not to besmirch the remarkably low unemployment under Trump, but it’s hard to ignore that the unemployment track under Obama had been downward. Again, the numbers look like the continuation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a trend, not something new.

And the job creation numbers show more evidence for that view.

On average, there were more jobs added monthly in Barack Obama’s second term than there were in Trump's first three years.

On average, the country created 215,000 new jobs a month in Obama’s second term. In Trump’s first three years, the figure was 182,000. They are both good numbers and if you look at the jobs data plotted on a graph, the rise since 2011 actually looks pretty consistent.

But that’s the point. Since the recovery from the last recession the numbers look like a slow, steady build. There is no sudden change when Trump takes office in 2017. There was nothing dramatic in the post-2011 job figures until the pandemic hit this spring.

There is one big indicator that suggests a change under Trump, the rise in the stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average in particular took off when he won the presidency.
Data show Trump didn't 'build' a great economy. He inherited it

The average quarterly economic growth under Trump, 2.5 percent, was almost exactly what it was under Obama in the second term, 2.4 percent.

WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s campaign speeches can careen into many topics, but his primary appeal continues to be that he built “the greatest economy that we've had in our history” before the COVID-19 pandemic and he can do it again. The latest NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows he has an edge with voters on that issue and the Trump economy is likely to be a big topic this week at the Republican convention.

But the real story ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Trump economy, and the president’s role in building it, is not so simple. If you compare key economic indicators from Barack Obama’s second term in office to the first three years ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Trump’s time (that is, before the pandemic hit), the data show a continuation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ trends, not a dramatic shift. It suggests Trump didn’t build something new; rather he inherited a pretty good situation.

Start with the broadest measure ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ economic health, gross domestic product. In 2016, Trump said he was unhappy that the country’s economic growth rate was under 3 percent a year. Trump said he thought the economy could grow at better-than-4-percent annual rate.

But the numbers show that average quarterly economic growth under Trump, 2.5 percent, was almost exactly what it was under Obama in the second term, 2.4 percent.

Other than the overall similarity, two things jump out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ those numbers. First, Trump didn’t get near his 4 percent figure. Second, the growth that began in Obama’s second term and essentially continued under Trump was enough to create an economy that even Trump believes was great. In other words, there might be something to be said for slow-steady growth over a prolonged period ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ time.

Job numbers for Obama and Trump show a similar story.

The president rightly takes credit for having low unemployment during his presidency. In December ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 2019, the unemployment rate was a scant 3.5 percent, the lowest it had been in 50 years.

However, as good as that number was, when Trump took office the rate was already at 4.7 percent. That figure is quite low by historical standards (lower than all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the 1980s as well as most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the 1990s and 2000s). In December ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 2017, it was the lowest the number had been since the Great Recession. In fact, Obama saw a much steeper drop in unemployment in his second term, a 3.3 drop in the rate, than Trump did in his first three years, a decline ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 1.2 points.

That’s not to besmirch the remarkably low unemployment under Trump, but it’s hard to ignore that the unemployment track under Obama had been downward. Again, the numbers look like the continuation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a trend, not something new.

And the job creation numbers show more evidence for that view.

On average, there were more jobs added monthly in Barack Obama’s second term than there were in Trump's first three years.

On average, the country created 215,000 new jobs a month in Obama’s second term. In Trump’s first three years, the figure was 182,000. They are both good numbers and if you look at the jobs data plotted on a graph, the rise since 2011 actually looks pretty consistent.

But that’s the point. Since the recovery from the last recession the numbers look like a slow, steady build. There is no sudden change when Trump takes office in 2017. There was nothing dramatic in the post-2011 job figures until the pandemic hit this spring.

There is one big indicator that suggests a change under Trump, the rise in the stock market. The Dow Jones Industrial Average in particular took off when he won the presidency.
NBC...que broma...

Este es imparcial y explica mejor el fenómeno

Los Obamalovers dicen cualquier cosa, bueno...AntiTrumps

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NBC...que broma...

Este es imparcial y explica mejor el fenómeno

Pero si este link dice lo mismo que yo digo, Trump lo unico que hizo fue seguir la corriente que traia Obama, lea el ultimo parrafo a partir de donde dice "Broader Measures. "

Obviamente un empleado de la Casa Blanca que trabaja para Trump, en este caso el tal Hassett, va a decir que el merito es de ellos, pero la conclusion del articulo claramente no es esa.:cool:
NBC...que broma...

Este es imparcial y explica mejor el fenómeno

Los Obamalovers dicen cualquier cosa, bueno...AntiTrumps

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************************************ :(


Desde hace unas décadas la financiación federal de las Corporaciones de Radiodifusión Pública (PBS-NPR) ha sido un tanto recortadas.

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Solo hay que escuchar y leer NPR.

Generalmente En menos de una hora de escuchar sus noticias, uno pude darse cuenta de que NPR es POCO diferente de cualquier otro noticiero del gobierno o de los medios de comunicación corporativos, como La Nación, Telediario, Repretel,CNN, CBS, FOX, Telemundo etc. etc.

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