
Vocalista de AC\DC piensa en retirarse!!!!!

Bueno andaba leyendo lasnoticias de la pagina donde saco mis partituras de guitarra y encontre esta noticia me da demasiada pereza traducirla asi que la copiare en ingles asi como esta:

"AC/DC frontman Brian Johnson admitted in a new interview with Classic Rock magazine that he has been considering retirement. "We were talking about the end ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the tour and I said, 'We're finishing in May and that's me done!'" he says. "But Malcolm [Young, rhythm guitarist] said, 'What are you talkin' about? We're not gonna let you retire!' And now they're talking about next year. I'm going, 'What do you mean next year? We're finishing in May in Japan, I'll be tired!' And they said: 'Well, we've been offered some festivals…'"

The 61-year-old Johnson, who is scheduled to publish his autobiography "Rockers And Rollers" in October, insists that he remains fully committed to AC/DC, but says, "It's a tough one. It's not me — it's just my age," he reveals. "I try to keep myself fit, and I love it being in this band. But it's not just me — Cliff [Williams, bassist] is knocking on a bit more than the others. The other lads are in their early 50s. I'm the old dog in the regiment.

"It's a purely selfish thing. I don't want to look a prat if I try to push it too far. I don't want for people to see me on stage and say, 'Oh, poor old f--ker, the band's carrying him!'"

Despite this, Johnson says he's feeling as good as he's ever done, and enjoying every moment on stage.

"We've been out on the road since September [2008], but it never gets boring," he says. "They're just the best rock band, and just to listen to them every night, it gets me. Every time they kick in, you think, What the f--k! You're on again and you're thinking, 'This is ridiculous! I'm still grooving!'"

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Que dicha que dicha un Headwanker menos en el mundo a ver si ahora empiezan a salir musicos de verdad como Robert Fripp......
Sea tonto si que banda mas pesima, con todas las ganas del mundo. El resto de los integrantes deberian seguir el ejemplo
No es por nada pero esta gente se debió de haber retirado hace como 20 años... individualmente no han sacado ningún disco malo malo pero si se ve en conjunto se pueden pegar todas las piezas, póngale 4/4 al compás y listo :-o

Igual me gustaría poder verlos en concierto antes de que se acabe la banda, dicen que es uno de los mejores espectáculos que hay jeje.
AC/DC yo creo que la volaron con este ultimo parece remalo apesar de que en su momento sonaron bastante, lamentablemente el Hardrock no da para mucho despiche excepto para que la guila me haga streaptease....Brian Johnson...ya era hora!

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