
R.I.P. Ronnie James DIO - ✞ 16 de Mayo, 2010

Y me parece q Mike Portnoy hizo el mejor comentario ever!!!!

"Looks like Dime [late PANTERA guitarist 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott], Randy [Rhoads; late OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist], Cliff [Burton; late METALLICA bassist] and Bonzo [late LED ZEPPELIN drummer John Bonham] just scored the ultimate singer."

Imagínese, la banda del paraíso metalero?
Y me parece q Mike Portnoy hizo el mejor comentario ever!!!!

"Looks like Dime [late PANTERA guitarist 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott], Randy [Rhoads; late OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist], Cliff [Burton; late METALLICA bassist] and Bonzo [late LED ZEPPELIN drummer John Bonham] just scored the ultimate singer."

jajajajajaja!!!!! está solo Portnoy!!!!

... puta qué sentimiento más triste me tengo... oyendo el disco Holy Diver Live...
Obviamente, Pantera .-. Pantera | Facebook

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Y me parece q Mike Portnoy hizo el mejor comentario ever!!!!

"Looks like Dime [late PANTERA guitarist 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott], Randy [Rhoads; late OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist], Cliff [Burton; late METALLICA bassist] and Bonzo [late LED ZEPPELIN drummer John Bonham] just scored the ultimate singer."

+ 1

jajajajajaja!!!!! está solo Portnoy!!!!

... puta qué sentimiento más triste me tengo... oyendo el disco Holy Diver Live...

Y vio con "Bible Black" ???


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Es una pena su fallecimiento, nunca escuché una obra de él, pero en vista de los posts fue un grande... me escucharé algunas canciones... y que descanse en paz Dio.


Puchis, eso que dijeron de que nos iba a tocar vivirlo más veces me partió el corazón y no quiero ni pensarlo mucho por que se me salen las lágrimas... Como dije anteriormente "LAS LEYENDAS NO MUEREN", aunque fisicamente desaparezca nos dejó algo grande y es un legado que continúa, lo que nos toca es tenerlo presente en nuestros corazones, quizá las futuras generaciones nos digan polos o que no sabemos lo que es música, pero en el fondo esas fueron las bases de lo que tenemos y lo que se viene y lo que inspiró a muchas bandas que hoy amamos.. Gracias a titanes como Dio podemos disfrutar de muchas bandas y de muchos chivos que hemos tenido y tendremos!

Nota de parte de Luna:

Su esencia era fuerte... su magia, de las más poderosas. Su voz imponente nunca necesitó maquillarse con espectáculos de miedo intentando demostrar algo que no era. Sólo él bastaba para llenar un escenario, sólo su presencia y su cautivante voz. Su alma ya no era compatible con el estuche físico, ya necesitaba trascender.

El vocalista entre vocalistas, Ronnie James DIO, simplemente deja hoy el plano físico. Pero su esencia permanece en quienes conservamos su legado.

En quienes nos sentimos orgullosos de esa OLD SCHOOL que tanto disfrutamos escuchando. Quienes sabemos que la música del Viejo siempre nos venia a recordar que el metal, al fin de cuentas, tiene sus raices en ese rock and roll añejado, que fue pauta y cambio en algun momento.

En las nuevas generaciones que se han acercado a conocer sus creaciones sin esperar despliegues de rudeza e intentos de maldad sin sentido.

En quienes tuvieron la dicha de verlo en escenario, y en quienes hoy lo despedimos con la esperanza de verle, al menos, en un suenno, en un astral, en algo mas alla de este plano fisico.

DIO parte hoy, porque solo hay una forma en que deben partir los GRANDES: CON SU DIGNIDAD INTACTA. Todos tendremos el recuerdo limpio de su voz y su presencia en escenarios, mientras que otros se consumen en la decadencia ante los ojos del mundo.

Ya no matas dragones, Viejo, ahora viajas con los Dragones y eres inspiración para muchos.

Gracias a quienes han dejado msj por aca y por el celu, y me tienen en vela desde las tres de la madrugada de ayer. Compartimos los buenos y los malos momentos asociados a la musica que nos mueve.

Y de forma especial, GRACIAS a las tres personas con las que estuve hoy cuando se recibió la noticia. Gracias al destino tambien, ya que todo sucede por algo.
Y me parece q Mike Portnoy hizo el mejor comentario ever!!!!

"Looks like Dime [late PANTERA guitarist 'Dimebag' Darrell Abbott], Randy [Rhoads; late OZZY OSBOURNE guitarist], Cliff [Burton; late METALLICA bassist] and Bonzo [late LED ZEPPELIN drummer John Bonham] just scored the ultimate singer."

muy tuanis ese comentario de Portnoy !
tambien, no podia faltar Ritchie Blackmore:
On the sad news that Ronnie James Dio passed away May 16th.
Ritchie had this to say : "Ronnie had a unique and wonderful voice. He will be sadly missed in the rock and roll world."- Ritchie Blackmore
Con un hueco el alma, como si se hubiera muerto mi tata (mi 1er amor con el metal fue con el Heaven and Hell) es como al chile se hubiera ido un familiar sercano, alguien que uno conocia, algo a dañado y profundo mi irrompible corazon de metal el dia de hoy.

Maes hoy fui a hacer una pruebilla con un grupo, y de casualiada una de las canciones que llevaba para mandar era Holy Diver, mae viera como me puse! me dijeron hablando con un compa en media calle mae casi me caigo ahi mismo, no no! Mi señor de baja estatura pero gigantesco espiritu no puede haberse ido!


A Letter to Ronnie

Dear Ronnie,

I just got off stage in Zagreb. I was met with the news that you've passed on. I'm kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ in shock, but I wanted you to know that you were one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the main reasons I made it onto that stage to begin with. When I first saw you in Elf, opening for Deep Purple in 1975, I was completely blown away by the power in your voice, your presence on stage, your confidence, and the ease with which you seemed to connect to 6000 Danish people and one starry-eyed 11 year old, most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ whom were not familiar with Elf's music. The following year, I was so psyched when I heard the results ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you joining forces with my favorite guitar player. You guys sounded so right for each other and I instantly became Rainbow's #1 fan in Denmark. In the fall ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 1976, when you played your first show in Copenhagen, I was literally in the front row and the couple ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ times we made eye contact you made me feel like the most important person in the world. The news that you guys were staying in town on your day off somehow embedded itself in my brain and I made the pilgrimage to the Plaza Hotel to see if I could somehow grab a picture, an autograph, a moment, anything. A few hours later you came out and were so kind and caring... pictures, autographs and a couple minutes ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ casual banter. I was on top ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the world, inspired and ready for anything. Rainbow came to Copenhagen a couple more times over the next few years and each time you guys blew my mind, and for a good three years were my absolute favorite band on this planet. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to run into you a half dozen times or so and each time you were as kind, caring and gracious as you were in 1976 outside the hotel. When we finally got a chance to play together in Austria in 2007, even though I may not have let on, I was literally transformed back to that little snot nosed kid who you met and inspired 31 years earlier and it was such a fucking honor and a dream come true to share a stage with you and the rest ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the legends in Heaven and Hell. A couple ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ weeks ago when I heard that you were not going to be able to make it to the Sonisphere shows that we would be sharing this June, I wanted to call you and let you know that I was thinking ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you and wish you well, but I kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ pussied out, thinking the last thing you needed in your recovery was feeling obligated to take a phone call from a Danish drummer/fan boy. I wish I'd made that call. We will miss you immensely on the dates, and we will be thinking ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you with great admiration and affection during that run. It seemed so right to have you out on tour with the so-called “Big Four” since you obviously were one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the main reasons that the four bands even exist. Your ears will definitely be burning during those two weeks because all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us will be talking, reminiscing and sharing stories about how knowing you has made our lives that much better.

Ronnie, your voice impacted and empowered me, your music inspired and influenced me, and your kindness touched and moved me. Thank you.

Much love,

seria demasiado hipócrita escribir que era muy fan pero también seria demasiado ignorante no reconocer el LEGADO e influencias que ha dejado en el género del metal , un grande ha partido .
Carta de Metallica a Ronnie James Dio

Dear Ronnie,

I just got off stage in Zagreb. I was met with the news that you've passed on. I'm
kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ in shock, but I wanted you to know that you were one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the main reasons I made it onto that stage to begin with. When I first saw you in Elf, opening for Deep Purple in 1975, I was completely blown away by the power in your voice, your presence on stage, your confidence, and the ease with which you seemed to connect to 6000 Danish people and one starry-eyed 11 year old, most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ whom were not familiar with Elf's music.

The following year, I was so psyched when I heard the results ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you joining forces with my favorite guitar player. You guys sounded so right for each other and I instantly became Rainbow's #1 fan in Denmark.

In the fall ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 1976, when you played your first show in Copenhagen, I was literally in the front row and the couple ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ times we made eye contact you made me feel like the most important person in the world. The news that you guys were staying in town on your day off somehow embedded itself in my brain and I made the pilgrimage to the Plaza Hotel to see if I could somehow grab a picture, an autograph, a moment, anything.

A few hours later you came out and were so kind and caring... pictures, autographs and a couple minutes ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ casual banter. I was on top ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the world, inspired and ready for anything. Rainbow came to Copenhagen a couple more times over the next few years and each time you guys blew my mind, and for a good three years were my absolute favorite band on this planet.

Over the years I've been fortunate enough to run into you a half dozen times or so and each time you were as kind, caring and gracious as you were in 1976 outside the hotel. When we finally got a chance to play together in Austria in 2007, even though I may not have let on, I was literally transformed back to that little snot nosed kid who you met and inspired 31 years earlier and it was such a fucking honor and a dream come true to share a stage with you and the rest ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the legends in Heaven and Hell.

A couple ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ weeks ago when I heard that you were not going to be able to make it to the Sonisphere shows that we would be sharing this June, I wanted to call you and let you know that I was thinking ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you and wish you well, but I kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ pussied out, thinking the last thing you needed in your recovery was feeling obligated to take a phone call from a Danish drummer/fan boy. I wish I'd made that call.

We will miss you immensely on the dates, and we will be thinking ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you with great admiration and affection during that run. It seemed so right to have you out on tour with the so-called “Big Four” since you obviously were one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the main reasons that the four bands even exist. Your ears will definitely be burning during those two weeks because all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us will be talking, reminiscing and sharing stories about how knowing you has made our lives that much better.

Ronnie, your voice impacted and empowered me, your music inspired and influenced me, and your kindness touched and moved me. Thank you.

Much love,


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A Letter to Ronnie

Dear Ronnie,

I just got off stage in Zagreb. I was met with the news that you've passed on. I'm kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ in shock, but I wanted you to know that you were one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the main reasons I made it onto that stage to begin with. When I first saw you in Elf, opening for Deep Purple in 1975, I was completely blown away by the power in your voice, your presence on stage, your confidence, and the ease with which you seemed to connect to 6000 Danish people and one starry-eyed 11 year old, most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ whom were not familiar with Elf's music. The following year, I was so psyched when I heard the results ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you joining forces with my favorite guitar player. You guys sounded so right for each other and I instantly became Rainbow's #1 fan in Denmark. In the fall ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ 1976, when you played your first show in Copenhagen, I was literally in the front row and the couple ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ times we made eye contact you made me feel like the most important person in the world. The news that you guys were staying in town on your day off somehow embedded itself in my brain and I made the pilgrimage to the Plaza Hotel to see if I could somehow grab a picture, an autograph, a moment, anything. A few hours later you came out and were so kind and caring... pictures, autographs and a couple minutes ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ casual banter. I was on top ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the world, inspired and ready for anything. Rainbow came to Copenhagen a couple more times over the next few years and each time you guys blew my mind, and for a good three years were my absolute favorite band on this planet. Over the years I've been fortunate enough to run into you a half dozen times or so and each time you were as kind, caring and gracious as you were in 1976 outside the hotel. When we finally got a chance to play together in Austria in 2007, even though I may not have let on, I was literally transformed back to that little snot nosed kid who you met and inspired 31 years earlier and it was such a fucking honor and a dream come true to share a stage with you and the rest ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the legends in Heaven and Hell. A couple ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ weeks ago when I heard that you were not going to be able to make it to the Sonisphere shows that we would be sharing this June, I wanted to call you and let you know that I was thinking ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you and wish you well, but I kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ pussied out, thinking the last thing you needed in your recovery was feeling obligated to take a phone call from a Danish drummer/fan boy. I wish I'd made that call. We will miss you immensely on the dates, and we will be thinking ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ you with great admiration and affection during that run. It seemed so right to have you out on tour with the so-called “Big Four” since you obviously were one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the main reasons that the four bands even exist. Your ears will definitely be burning during those two weeks because all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us will be talking, reminiscing and sharing stories about how knowing you has made our lives that much better.

Ronnie, your voice impacted and empowered me, your music inspired and influenced me, and your kindness touched and moved me. Thank you.

Much love,


Y mae... eso es pasion...
aqui dejo unas cuantas fotos de Dio con Rainbow y Black Sabbath/Heaven & Hell




Ronnie James Dio 1942-2010
Bueno hoy es un dia triste para mi, increible nunca pense q fuera a sentir lo que siento en este momento, una gran tristesa, hasta ganas de llorar. DIO gracias por tu legado, por tu musica y todo lo que le diste al METAL, que descanses en paz.

pucha maes..... al final resultó cierto el rumor.... que semejante mierda maes, una de las cosas q más me duele es no haber tenido el honor de verlo cuando se presentó aca en C.R., aun no habia escuchado su obra para ese entonces...

como dijeron por ahi, las leyendas no mueren. Ahora más que nunca es cuando podemos decir con toda propiedad:


Y mae... eso es pasion...

mis respetos...
Bueno todo este dia he pasado pensando muchas cosas a razon de la muerte de Dio pero no necesariamente pensando en Dio o lo sucedido, digamos que me hizo reflexionar. Estaba un poco mal la verdad pero insisto no tanto por Dio sino que me puse a cuestionar muchas cosas que me estan pasando que me afectan y que talvez estaba tratando de ocultarme a mi mismo.

Decidi entonces hace un ratito ponerme de pie y como estoy solo en mi casa conecte mi computadora al equipo de sonido lo puse a lo que daba, estoy seguro y sin exagerar que a dos cuadras me escuchaban o a mi o al equipo... puse Heaven And Hell (la cancion) y empece a cantar pero mientras estaba cantando enti algo como desde adentro un sentimiento una fuerza interna, cantando esa cancion desahogue todo lo que sentia y no... cantar no literalmente la grite toda con todas mis fuerzas... y pues que mas que esa cancion que habla de las cosas buenas y las cosas malas quee suceden en la vida? Creo que realmente me ayudo a desestresarme de todas mis cosas y me estabilizo, esa cancion, esa voz...

Ahora bien... nunca fui el fan de Dio a muerte pero si sentia mucha pasion y admiracion hacia el sentia que era de las personas mas emblematicas del genero y no solo del genero si no de la musica en general, ese mae siempre se mostro carismatico siempre con una actitud sencilla y humilde hacia todo siempre con los brasos abiertos me parece a mi. Al cantar esa cancion tambien senti que el nos dejo un legado y que no tiene porque terminar al contrario seguira siempre con nosotros. La verdad me siento muy feliz de que el ya descanzo porque estaba sufriendo porque no estaba bien y porque semejante persona no merecia tanto sufrimiento. El no tiene nada de que arrepentirse el lo dio todo y lo entrego todo durante su vida le dio pasion e inspiracion a muchos y influyo en muchos otros y estoy seguro que en la mayoria de sus casos siempre para bien, si ya le tocaba descansar pues que descanse el se lo merecia...


Bueno aqui les dejo lo que acabo de escribir en el blog acerca de lo que nos tiene asi hoy:

"Hoy mientras hacía lo que hago mejor, o sea vaguear, llegó un amigo con la noticia que hoy me tiene escribiendo esta entrada. Es una de esas cosas que desearías no saber, que desearías que jamás pasaran, por que nosotros como fans pensamos que nuestros ídolos son inmortales, que nada los va a arrancar de esta tierra, que siempre los tendremos repartiendo rock y así seremos felices. A veces nos cuesta caer en cuenta de que ellos aparte de ser nuestra inspiración, son seres humanos que sufren, ríen, tienen problemas y enfermedades, que al fin y al cabo van a terminar como nosotros, falleciendo; pero ¿saben cuál es la diferencia entre ellos y nosotros? Ellos no mueren, ellos viven en cada corazón, en cada disco, en cada canción y en cada recuerdo que atesoremos, hoy les hablo desde el fondo de mi alma, por que Ronnie James Dio no era cualquier persona, era un TITÁN, un luchador, una figura que muchos sentimos hasta paternal.

Es tan triste y hasta sentimos como si fuera un familiar, y en parte lo es, por que el rock es nuestra familia, yo personalmente siento como si un pedazo de mi corazón se fué con él, al igual que muchos de los que lamentan su partida pero saben que era mejor antes de que siguiera sufriendo, ese pequeño gigante que se ganó nuestra admiración, nuestra devoción y nuestro amor seguirá entre nosotros, gracias a él tenemos muchas bandas que hoy le rinden tributo, que saben que él los inspiró a ser lo que son ahora.

Derramé algunas lágrimas y aún escribiendo esta entrada no puedo evitar derramar otras, por que parece algo increíble todavía, pero me consuela el hecho de que está en lo más alto, está en paz y se fué sabiendo que muchos lo amábamos, aunque no nos conociera, aunque no supiera que estamos aquí lamentándonos. Espero que las futuras generaciones aprecien lo que él nos dejó y que nunca lo olviden por que personas como él marcan el camino a seguir, su música sigue aquí y mientras sigamos escuchándola y recordándolo como era en vida, nunca se irá!

Desde aquí, quiero agradecerle a Ronald James Padavona todo lo que hizo por el metal, lo que hizo por darnos lo que tenemos ahora y lo que vendrá, nunca, nunca lo olvidaré y estaré esperando el momento en que todos nos encontremos en el cielo y vivamos una gran fiesta.



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