
[Confirmado] The Big Four ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Thrash Metal en cines - 6 de Julio, Terramall

xq si Cinepolis es una cadena internacional aqui no pasa esto!!!!!

Cinépolis, La Capital del Cine THE BIG FOUR
Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Megadeth. Junio 22, 19:00hrs. Los más grandes exponentes del heavy metal en un solo concierto. Vive este gran evento en pantalla gigante y en alta definición, ¡sólo en Cinépolis! ¡Compra ya tus boletos! Entra a: .:: Cin
Ciudades participantes: Cancún, Cuernavaca, DF y... Área metropolitana, Guadalajara, León, Mérida, Monterrey, Morelia, Puebla, Querétaro, Toluca, Veracruz, Villahermosa, Xalapa.


Megadeth Just finished our set here in Sofia, Bulgaria. Was AWESOME!! I've never been to Bulgaria but the fans were thrilled and it seems everyone is having a fantastic set tonight. If you go see it in the cinema tonight I think you will enjoy. So, get a ticket, some popcorn and a soda and sit back and enjoy the rock concert...

David Ellefson

For more information on catching the "Big Four" show in theaters, visit The Big Four: Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Anthrax - broadcast via satellite to select movie theatres Tuesday, June 22. Read more ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ David's updates and check out his tour video blogs at the MegaFanClub.
"- Posted by : MetOnTour
What an amazing show, and
what an amazing cover song! Band guys from each ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Big Four came out
... to perform Am I Evil? together. James, Dave, and Joey all took turns
singing, while there were guitarists, bassists, and snare drum players
all on stage. Pretty amazing event. And guess what, it's all being
filmed for a Big Four DVD!!"

"- Posted by : MetOnTour
What an amazing show, and
what an amazing cover song! Band guys from each ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Big Four came out
... to perform Am I Evil? together. James, Dave, and Joey all took turns
singing, while there were guitarists, bassists, and snare drum players
all on stage. Pretty amazing event. And guess what, it's all being
filmed for a Big Four DVD!!"


Los dioses del metal nos han escuchado...un DVD de esta gente va a ser un sobo a cuatro extremidades!!!!
Que tuanis, se nos hizo por lo menos ver el DVD..!!! Ojala lo saquen pronto para que no se enfrie la fiebre..!!!
Tengo una entrada

Maes tengo una entrada.... A precio de costo... el primero q me mande un msj al 88442326... Se la daría ahí mismo en el centro cultural...
A que hora era que iban a pasar esto aqui?

Bueno aquì un par de imagenes....

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Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.


    Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.
Me las robe del FB del World Magnetic Tour

Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.

Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.

Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.


    Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.
What an amazing show, and what an amazing cover song! Band guys from each ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Big Four came out to perform Am I Evil? together. James, Dave, and Joey all took turns singing, while there were guitarists, bassists, and snare drum players all on stage. Pretty amazing event. And guess what, it's all being filmed for a Big Four DVD!! Full setlist is up, pics to come....
"- Posted by : MetOnTour
What an amazing show, and
what an amazing cover song! Band guys from each ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Big Four came out
... to perform Am I Evil? together. James, Dave, and Joey all took turns
singing, while there were guitarists, bassists, and snare drum players
all on stage. Pretty amazing event. And guess what, it's all being
filmed for a Big Four DVD!!"


Ese dvd va para mi recien empezada coleccion de musica original
Me las robe del FB del World Magnetic Tour

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Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.

Solo los foreros registrados pueden disfrutar ver los archivos adjuntos.

Que buenas fotos para la historia
Lo cancelaron maes, ya el centro cultural lo puso en el fb

Yo ya estoy preocupado al chile AQUI TODO SE CANCELA!!!

Lo bueno del caso es que la gente salio de ahi ya con la plata de la entrada en las manos, osea la devolvieron de una
"- posted by : Metontour
what an amazing show, and
what an amazing cover song! Band guys from each ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the big four came out
... To perform am i evil? Together. James, dave, and joey all took turns
singing, while there were guitarists, bassists, and snare drum players
all on stage. Pretty amazing event. And guess what, it's all being
filmed for a big four dvd!!"


aquí el video de am i evil?, acabo de grabarlo allá en sofia, jajaja.

Que madre con esa vara de que lo cancelaron... Eso no hubiera pasado si lo hubiera dado en Cinepolis...

Voy con ese DVD cuando salga...

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