
catastrofe con derrame de petroleo

tampoco hay que irse al histerismo,

Esa es la idea de mi post, todo el histerismo que se ha manejado por parte de Obama, llamando a esto de forma irresponsable como "el mayor desastre ambiental en la historia", lo que ha causado mas daño, ya que el turismo se habia alejado innecesariamente de la zona, por eso tuvieron que mandar a Michelle, a arreglar la torta.

Está muy lejos de ser "el mayor" desastre, como dicen los datos, se murieron 3000 aves y 3

Weeks ago, before engineers pumped in mud and cement to plug the gusher, scientists began finding specks ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ oil in crab larvae plucked from waters across the Gulf coast.

The government said last week that three-quarters ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the spilled oil has been removed or naturally dissipated from the water. But the crab larvae discovery was an ominous sign that crude had already infiltrated the Gulf's vast food web - and could affect it for years to come.

"It would suggest the oil has reached a position where it can start moving up the food chain instead ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ just hanging in the water," said Bob Thomas, a biologist at Loyola University in New Orleans. "Something likely will eat those oiled larvae ... and then that animal will be eaten by something bigger and so on."

Tiny creatures might take in such low amounts ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ oil that they could survive, Thomas said. But those at the top ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the chain, such as dolphins and tuna, could get fatal "megadoses."

Marine biologists routinely gather shellfish for study. Since the spill began, many ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the crab larvae collected have had the distinctive orange oil droplets, said Harriet Perry, a biologist with the University ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Southern Mississippi's Gulf Coast Research Laboratory.

"In my 42 years ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ studying crabs I've never seen this," Perry said.

She wouldn't estimate how much ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the crab larvae are contaminated overall, but said about 40 percent ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the area they are known to inhabit has been affected by oil from the spill.

Tulane University researchers are investigating whether the splotches also contain toxic chemical dispersants that were spread to break up the oil but have reached no conclusions, biologist Caz Taylor said.

If large numbers ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ blue crab larvae are tainted, their population is virtually certain to take a hit over the next year and perhaps longer, scientists say.

How large the die-off would be is unclear, Perry said. An estimated 207 million gallons ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ oil have spewed into the Gulf since an April 20 drilling rig explosion triggered the spill, and thousands ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ gallons ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ dispersant chemicals have been dumped.

Scientists will be focusing on crabs because they're a "keystone species" that play a crucial role in the food web as both predator and prey, Perry said.

But their survival could drop even lower if the larvae run into oil and dispersants.

"Crabs are very abundant. I don't think we're looking at extinction or anything close to it," said Taylor, one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the researchers who discovered the orange spots.

Still, crabs and other estuary-dependent species such as shrimp and red snapper could feel the effects ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ remnants ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the spill for years, Perry said.

There could be some mortality, but how much is impossible to say at this point," said Vince Guillory, biologist manager with the Louisiana Department ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Wildlife and Fisheries.

Perry, Taylor and Condrey will be among scientists monitoring crabs for negative effects such as population drop-offs and damage to reproductive capabilities and growth rates.

Crabs are big business in the region. In Louisiana alone, some 33 million pounds are harvested annually, generating nearly $300 million in economic activity, Guillory said.

But fishermen who can make a six-figure income off crabs in a good year now are now idled - and worried about the future.

"If they'd let us go out and fish today, we'd probably catch crabs," said Glen Despaux, 37, who sets his traps in Louisiana's Barataria Bay. "But what's going to happen next year, if this water is polluted and it's killing the eggs and the larvae? I think it's going to be a long-term problem."

Pero viendolo del lado amable no paso casi nada, :ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju:

Obama administration officials promised Sunday to remain focused on the Gulf Coast -- punishing BP for the worst oil spill in U.S. history, and cleaning up what remains ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the mess.

"We have the suspicion that BP may want to get out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ this restoration," Robert Phuong Nguyen, a fisherman and father ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ six, said in a community meeting held by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus in Buras. Obama has put Mabus in charge ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the gulf's long-term restoration.

Through a translator, Nguyen listed a stream ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ worries: "The cleanup hasn't been done completely. Who will assure us that the seafood will be safe? If you really care about us, please pay attention. Because after this disaster, there will be a lot ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ marriage separation and suicide. If the government really cares, please look over our situation."

On NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday, White House climate and energy czar Carol M. Browner defended the administration's finding that three-quarters ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the 4.9 million barrels (205.8 million gallons) ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ oil has either disappeared or is in the process ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ disappearing.

Asked if BP had concurred with that calculation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the total oil that escaped -- a key number, since the oil company's punishment might depend on the size ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the spill -- Browner said: "I think BP has been silent. But that doesn't matter. We will hold them accountable."

But a harder question is: What's next? The problem ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ how to wind down the massive cleanup effort -- now as much an economic lifeline as an attack on the oil -- is so sensitive that last week neither BP nor the federal government gave specifics about it

For Acy Cooper, a shrimper from Venice, La., weekly checks from BP had replaced income lost when large sections ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the gulf were closed. But then his 25-boat task force shrunk to 21, to 12, to nine. And he wasn't one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the nine.

Cooper says that leaves him in a hole; shrimp-trawling season won't start for one week. And even then, he worries that the remaining oil could turn up in somebody's net and ruin his business all over again.

"If we get these shrimp and they get one person sick, you know how long it will take us to come back?" Cooper said at the meeting with Mabus. To prove his point that oil was still out there, he held up a Gatorade bottle filled with oil taken from a nearby marsh. "We ain't through the cleanup. We can't go into recovery. It is not recovery. Somebody's lying."

As oil spill cleanup shifts gears, gulf residents fear they'll be forgotten

Ahora la buena noticia en esto es que ciertamente se ha limpiado mucho del petroleo que queda en la superficie, todavía se tienen muchas cosas para poder decir que salio del problema por completo, espero por el bien de la economía de estos lugares que se logre reactivar la pesca, pero hay mucho pero mucho por hacer todavía, no se puede ignorar el problema.
este payaso no tiene limites. la comunidad cientifica esta llamando esto como la mayor catastrofe ambiental en la historia de los EEUU. pero para este ridiculo, todo fue invento de OBAMA.

que patetico ridiculo insulso.
Obama administration officials promised Sunday to remain focused on the Gulf Coast -- punishing BP for the worst oil spill in U.S. history, and cleaning up what remains ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the mess.

Pura politiqueria con miras a impulsar su agenda.

Fue incluso mas grande el derrame del Exxon Valdez, en cantidad de crudo y en daño ambiental lo supera con creces.
ah ya me di cuenta..

tan obvio..

es que en Fox and friends ya empezaron con esa tatareta...

con razon peyistez mecayo ahora sale con semejantes barrabasadas.

No se si el mayor, pero si uno de los mas importantes, insisto minimizar los efectos es algo bastante deplorable, asi como como maximizarlos de forma desmesurada ,

También gracias a este desastre se dejaron de ver fallas que se pueden presentar al bombear petroleo en aguas profundas lo que deja una importante lección a compañías similares donde se deben de fortalecer los controles.

Este derrame ha dejado cosas muy positivas hacia futuro espero, en caso que se presentara un evento similar se tendrían mejores bases para que los encargados puedan actuar de una forma mas ágil y eficiente de acuerdo con las lecciones que ha dejado el presente desastre.

Ahora, no soy yo quien pone los encabezados en los diferentes medios de comunicación sobre que este es uno de los mayores desastres en su tipo, solo como referencia revise las publicaciones que se han dado en NY times,washington post, en las cadenas tanto de habla hispano como la gringa de CNN, ABC, etc, o serán que son chacletudos estos medios, :ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju:

Gulf oil spill threat widens | Reuters

BBC News - Gulf ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Mexico oil leak 'worst US environment disaster' - BP Oil Spill Nears 5 Million Barrels in Latest Tally

Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hay que enviarles una nota bien grande diciendoles que equivocados están, ya que peyistez ha valuado los daños actuales, y también ha tomado en cuenta que la afectación a la fauna y flora marina es mínima, que con gusto se comen un coctel de camarones de la región recién sacados de las zonas afectadas sin miedo alguno y ha descifrado que no es por ningún lado el peor desastre de los gringos, que ni merece entrar a las listas de desastres ambientales de los gringos, :ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju::ujuju:
Ya le puse uno que fue mucho peor que este: el Exxon Valdez...busque en Google ud que es experto en eso...:eso:
Usted es de los que cerrado la fuga principal se acabo el problema, hagamos maletas y aquí no paso nada, :guacala:

Los daños de este desastre estan muy lejos de haberse cuatificado totalmente, para esto tomara todavía bastante tiempo, solo para ejemplo vaya dígale a los pescadores de la región que ya pueden iniciar actividades sin miedo y vender lo que capturen sin problemas, ya lo veo comiendo un pescado o algún producto marino del lugar en cuestión, :caldo1:
en cuanto a crudo vertido en el oceano, la fuga de macondo fue mucho, pero mucho mayor que la del exxon valdez.

no sé de donde saca los datos este individuo.

ahh...ya se. de aca

vamos a ver

barriles de petroleo derramados en el accidente del Exxon Valdez

260,000 to 750,000 barrels

barriles de petroleo derramados por la fuga de Macondo de BP

4.69 MILLONES de barriles

la fuga de macondo liberaba 62000 barriles de petroleo al DIA, luego bajó a 52000 barriles de petroleo al dia.

todo usando Google.

Asi que peyistez, te has ganado otro burrito de oro

Deepwater Horizon oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

An oil leak was discovered on the afternoon ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ April 22 when large oil slick began to spread at the former rig site.[34] According to the Flow Rate Technical Group the leak amounted to about 4.9 million barrels (205.8 million gallons) ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ oil exceeding the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill as the largest ever to originate in U.S.-controlled waters and the 1979 Ixtoc I oil spill as the largest spill in the Gulf ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Mexico.[14]

Exxon Valdez oil spill - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Esta es otra pagina interesante:
Exxon Valdez Oil Spill 1989, Gulf ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Mexico 2010: A Comparison | NowPublic News Coverage

Le recomiendo leer un poco el articulo en wikipedia, tiene bastantes puntos interesantes, ademas del punto que el desastre de la Exxon es totalmente cuantificable a cabalidad cada consecuencia que tuvo, en comparación el el actual desastre el cual hasta hace poco fue posible detener la fuga principal, así como las secundaria tengo entiendo, por lo tanto todavía queda un largo camino hacia delante para poder evaluar con exactitud todas la consecuencias de este derrame,
Increíble que haya alguien que trate de minimizar el impacto ambiental de este derrame de petróleo.

Y más increíble todavía que lo haga insinuando que el del Exxon Valdez fué peor.

Que fácil que es decir burradas en internet.
Increíble que haya alguien que trate de minimizar el impacto ambiental de este derrame de petróleo.

Y más increíble todavía que lo haga insinuando que el del Exxon Valdez fué peor.

Hablando de burradas y gente que llega solo a cagarse en los temas.
Preguntele a Time sobre la exageracion que se ha hecho:

The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated?

So far, the teams have collected nearly 3,000 dead birds, but fewer than half ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ them were visibly oiled; some may have died from eating oil-contaminated food, but others may have simply died naturally at a time when the Gulf happened to be crawling with carcass seekers. In any case, the Valdez may have killed as many as 435,000 birds.
Anti-oil politicians, anti-Obama politicians and underfunded green groups all have obvious incentives to accentuate the negative in the Gulf. So do the media, because disasters drive ratings and sell magazines; those oil-soaked pelicans you saw on TV (and the cover ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ TIME)

El desastre ecologico en el Exxon fue muchismo peor, principalmente porque fue un solo vertido de crudo de golpe, por la cercania con la costa y la dificultad para accesar al sitio, si bien es menor la cantidad de crudo, el impacto ambiental no tiene comparacion.

Última edición:
Hablando de burradas y gente que llega solo a cagarse en los temas.
Preguntele a Time sobre la exageracion que se ha hecho:

The BP Spill: Has the Damage Been Exaggerated?

El desastre ecologico en el Exxon fue muchismo peor, principalmente porque fue un solo vertido de crudo de golpe, por la cercania con la costa y la dificultad para accesar al sitio, si bien es menor la cantidad de crudo, el impacto ambiental no tiene comparacion.


Nuevos temas

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