
Que pasó con la academia de BJJ de Roberto Scoca?

Hola gente, estuve hace meses entrenando con Roberto Scoca en San Pedro, pero por asuntos de trabajo tuve que dejarlo, ahora que vuelvo me parece que ya no está.

Sabrá alguien donde se pasó esta academia?

Esta academia la conocia como la de Relson Gracie, sera la misma? es la que esta subiendo unas gradas cerca del am pm en san pedro?

mae, por lo que he escuchado, Roberto jaló a China y nos dejó solo con el cartel de la academia, porque tiene 3 meses y algo desde que jaló. Una lástima porque recién en enero me dirigía a empezar con él, pero lo encontré cerrado y me contaron la historia.
mae Strat, es al chile esa vara?

Yo sabía que el mae jaló de USA por varas así, pero el mae decía que era porque los gringos eran racistas con el mae. Qué madre con estas varas.

Mae, es como Danny Guillén, yo no lo conozco, he visto los videos en youtube y no se ve mucho; pero Miltón Marín dice que el mae es un pura paja, Marín dijo para la revista Proa: "cualquiera va a Tailandia y le gana a unos maes retirados y viene a dar clases". Será eso también al chile?
mae Strat, es al chile esa vara?

Yo sabía que el mae jaló de USA por varas así, pero el mae decía que era porque los gringos eran racistas con el mae. Qué madre con estas varas.

Mae, es como Danny Guillén, yo no lo conozco, he visto los videos en youtube y no se ve mucho; pero Miltón Marín dice que el mae es un pura paja, Marín dijo para la revista Proa: "cualquiera va a Tailandia y le gana a unos maes retirados y viene a dar clases". Será eso también al chile?

Mae yo ya he escuchado ese comentario muchas veces, aveces la gente habla por hablar pero como dice el dicho cuando el rio suena es porque piedras trae.
milton marin bien conosido por sus mentiras

Hi my name is Roberto Scoca,
1[SUP]st[/SUP] I have to answer why I took so long to answer this post. I have total respect for the community and for the martial art.
I was in China… I got an invitation for a huge MMA brand to help in BJJ program (Zahabi MMA China). I was supervising all the staff and making sure ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the liability ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the business. Later I was invited in different gym (Titans MMA China). This is the reason why I didn’t answer before.
Now we have this person making very bad accusations about me. I think if we know the full story we can make a right judgment. Lest start by knowing the person that is making this accusations. “Bjjudge” this person name is Milton Marin.

Look for his webside:
And this is his information. But before read this understands that all these associations are create by him in Costa Rica, these are no real associations. He is a lawyer and he is able to create this association in order to make it look real to the MMA community. But these are not real.

Sensei Milton Marin

· CEO ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ MMA Costa Rica and Costa Rica Training Center
· 20 years’ experience in martial arts and contact sports.
· Third Dan Black Belt in Kickboxing - Kickboxing Global Organization, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Professor Claudio Badenas). Second Dan Black Belt in Kickboxing, Kickboxing Salvadoran Federation (Professor CarlosBetancourt).
· Black Belt in Full Contact Kartate (Kyokushin Karate) and representative Kyokuyama Costa Rica International Karate Organization (Shihan Guzman Emarruspe).
· Brasilian Jiujitsu Blue Belt, Professor André Oliveira.

He has competed nationally and internationally in the styles ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Kyokushin Karate, Kickboxing and MMA.
Director for Latin America ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the International Kickboxing Federation (IKF) and the International Federation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Sports Combat (ISCF)
Costa Rica Representative ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ World Kickboxing Association (WKA)
Promoter martial arts and contact sports since 2004.
Co-Director, Costa Rica Fight League.
International Referee Judge and Mixed Martial Arts.

**Important information: There is no belt for Kickboxing. Kickboxing is a sport not a martial art.

Now, the reason why he is making these accusations is this one:

I move to Costa Rica in 2011. So before I get to Costa Rica I did a research on internet for check if it was a market for BJJ or MMA in Costa Rica. Finally I search MMA Costa Rica and this person show up so I send him a message just asking for the market because I want to open a Relson Gracie Gym in Costa Rica.
For me was a dream to move to Costa Rica, so we keep in touch and this guy start getting too friendly, that my very suspicious. In that time I was thinking we were friends. This guy is a Mormon like me, so I trust him. He actually priest in the place.

He offered to help me to move to Costa Rica, so my idea was as soon as I got there, I was going to start looking for a place for rent in order to open my Academy. Milton Marin told me at that moment that he will like to help me so I can open an Academy in Costa Rica. So I believe him.

With a couple days he insists in hire me in his gym. His gym was really lonely, no more than 20 to 30 people and I didn´t know why he claims he has 300 students all time and he was the best and truth MMA. So I decide rent the space for start teaching, but I never accept to work with him or sign a contract with him. I start getting suspicious ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ what he says all time, the place don’t even have tatami. He claims have a fitness gym and actually the fitness area was very depressing.

So I see the place and I say to myself: “well all start is hard so lest help”. I start investment in t-shirt, equipment, and tatami because the place was very creepy, and ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course Milton Marin was saying that he was making the investment and the construction ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the place by himself. I didn’t know this until I left the place. He opens the place 6 years before I arrive, but he never invests in nothing. The place began to change because ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my investment.

With the time the place start getting better, more people were going to train. In one month I did 70 students, ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ in BJJ and the next month I did 110 students for my program. I invite my professor, Relson Gracie, and I did a seminar. The seminar was a success and Relson was happy in Costa Rica, but didn’t like Milton Marin or his place. Relson Gracie told me that look for a different place for his academy, he recommend me to look for a place just for my Academy without Milton Marin, the reason was because Relson Gracie didn’t truth him, Relson Gracie didn’t like the fact that this Milton Marin didn’t have good relations with all the gyms in Costa Rica, Relson hear him told shit about other academy and express bad about all the other black Belts. Relson Gracie told me that in Gracie Jiu Jitsu we have good relations with other academy because these academies are the ones that help us to grow up in our competitions.

After the Relson Gracie Seminar people was getting more interesting in Gracie Jiu Jitsu in Costa Rica, but Milton Marin didn’t like the fact that I have more students. He start doing tricks, like tell the new people that was going to the gym for jiu jitsu that BJJ was too hard and it was better to start with Kickboxing for one or two month and them try BJJ, so people believe him I didn’t start with bjj and just paid for Kickboxing. So I start putting attention to the front desk, in that time we have a mutual employee for help people at front desk and ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course I thought this guy was working for the both ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ us, his name was Carlos. So I start putting attention to the process ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ enrolling people and this guy was telling to all new people that the BJJ was very hard for start training. ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course that make me very upset because it was affecting my business, so I confront them but they denied it.

I decide to start investigating Milton Marin. I did not know why the guy never got invite to other academies events, why he express very bad ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the other gyms in the country specially ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the black belts in BJJ, and why he said that his ex-students and ex-coworkers betrayed him and open a new gym, more than ones. All this coworker were BJJ Black Belt, actually almost all the BJJ Black Belt in Costa Rica gave classes on his place, but now all ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ them hate him. I start asking to my students and they told me what happen. I did not believe it this guy was a church guy. The ex-students leave because they have many complains ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ been sexual harassed. Plus in the place have showers and Milton Marin sometimes got inside when the girls were getting showers with the excuse ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ start cleaning the place exactly at that moment. Also have holes in the sheetrock walls in order to spy on the girls.
Them a friend shows me what kind ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ person Milton Marin is. He show me a paper from Costa Rica Court when one ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ his students (a girl) make a demand against his wife because his wife hit her when she found them together (Milton and his girl student) cheating on her and this girl put a restriction order against his wife.
Also I start talking with other BJJ Black Belts and they told me that get out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ that place as soon as possible because Milton Marin was a bad person and a liar.
At that moment I discover the truth and I decided to move out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the place.
I talk to more people and all people really recommend me to move out and them they told me many very creepy stories about him. I talk to my students and we move out.

Then I start looking for a new place, it was hard but finally I got one and it was 2 blocks away from his place but it was the ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ place I can afford at that moment. This guy hear that I got that place and he got very upset, he started sending email to the students telling them lies about me and the reason why I was moving out, as he did with all the previous BJJ Black Belts that work in that place. Al so he started sending me emails saying to watch my back. And many different types ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ intimidation as he always did with previous co-worker. People tool me that this guys was going to get more nasty and I did not believe them but he did it. He start calling my wife and making her feel really bad.

In that time I was in process ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ legalizing my status in Costa Rica, so many friends recommend me didn’t react to his campaign. He is a lawyer and have good relationship with the council ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the city, Milton start calling me to tell me that he will do everything he can in order to avoid that I open my place. When I ask the local gyms about that, they start telling me all the problems this guy did, like sent students ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ his place to put steel chains to their gyms for difficult the opening in the mornings, also he send the city inspectors for close gyms. He try to make me quit and not open my gym.

My new Relson Gracie Costa Rica Academy had a huge success and we had a reopening seminar with Rhalan & Relson Gracie. In that time this guy starts with a campaign ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ claiming I was a liar and I was going to steal the money ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my students. So that affect my seminar but we did it anyway. And it was a huge success. But this guy was very upset because ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my success and now starts inventing stories about me. So I challenge the guy to a fight in a ring and in that time all the country knows ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the problem with this guy and me. So I did public the challenge and the guy just hide, that’s why he did say I have a problem with a professor, and it is thru, with him. I told him any day any time. I’m still waiting.

Them the China project start I get invited for same ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my black belts from United States and investors for Zahabi MMA. So I went to China. When this guy find out he start a campaign ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ stilling students and making offers discount, even free memberships because he keep telling I was going to state in China. One ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my ex-students is his good friend, a Chinese guy, and he call me ones to China and ask me when I get back, I was joking with the guy and I told him that I didn’t know, that China is very cool and I maybe stay there. ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ course was a joke. This guy contact Milton Marin and came out with this post. The reason why he didn’t want me back is just because I’m not good for his business. If I´m in Costa Rica he always loss students.

Whit all respect to this web. I think is very unprofessional to encourage this type ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ behavior ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ an anonymous person and disrespect people with real names.

Now in order to answer some the questions:

  1. I denied all the accusations ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ this person. The real reason is a personal problem between Milton Marin and me. I´m a real Carlson Gracie Black Belt. I did my training in private at that time because Brazil was very dangerous and my family was worry about it. Now my current Association supports me 100% because ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my well representation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Gracie Jiu Jitsu, and I show to Grand master Relson Gracie that I’m a Black Belt in Gracie Jiu JItsu. Also I have 100% knowledge ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Real Gracie Jiu Jitsu.
2. It is a Lie that I never roll. I roll with all the people and students in my academy. My real students know that. I take care ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my students that way and I don’t let white belt roll until there are really to roll. And I accept challenges all time. I never say no
3. I never teach or train in Mexico; I did my train in Brazil. That is why no one knows me in Mexico.
4. In Utah I buy a tae kwon do gym from a Korean guy, the one on the picture and he invited me to his event before he sells it to me. Tiger Moon MMA Aiki Jiu Jitsu and Taekwondo was the name ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the previous owner ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the gym that I bought in order to open my new Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Gym. And I change the name later.
5. My recommendations are these: don’t let people walk in to your mind with their dirty feet.
Scoca la farsa mexicana

Este idiota de Scoca es una farsa total. Cuidado!!!!

Y en el post que hace nunca dice nada de sus certificados falsos, no dice porque su nombre real no es Roberto Scoca, no dice porque nunca peleo jiujitsu con nadie, no dice porque sus exalumnos lo odian ni porque se devolvieron a MMA con Milton. Yo no entreno actualmente en ningun lugar por falta de plata aunque espero volver a entrenar pronto , pero entre todos los del medio marcial, todos saben que Scoca es un farsante de primera. En Atletic Advance todos quieren matarlo. Un mes entrene con Scoca y me di cuenta que todo era una pantalla.

Y lo peor de todo mentira tras mentira tras mentira. No hay una sola persona que de buenas referencias de él y ya todos saben que cuando intente abrir una academia le van a llover los pichazos del monton de brasileños que dan clases en costa rica y ni que de los exalumnos estafados por él. Scaca larguese de este pais vayase para Mexico , Brasil ( no a Brasil no porque dice que vivio años y no sabe ni como se dice mama ni casa y menos una conversacion)

Y si va a responder, no se escude insultando a otra gente ni creando cortinas de humo insultando a otro mae, que todos saben que lo ayudo cuando vino a CR malagradecido .

Y jurelo que cuando intente abrir algo sobra la gente que va a ir a romperle la cara. A ver si ahora habla mal de Ludwing como hablaba tanto o de Ariel o de Andre diciendo que usted lo rindio, o de los otros profes. No es que los gringos son racistas todos como usted decia a sus alumnos. Ellos se dieron cuenta que usted es una mentira y vino a parar aca para sobrevivir con sus historias de narcos.

En un mes nunca lo vi ni siquiera rollando por sus multiples historias de lesiones falsas

para muestra un boton Danilo Vega, Otarola y otros se devolvieron a MMA CR, Andres se fue a AA, otros se fueron para Unit y Coehlllo, todos ya saben que es usted es una farsa.
milton marin

mira milton marin como siempre echándole a otra gente tus mentiras muchas personas te conocen y saben lo que haces y lo que real mente eres, lo que escribas con respecto a mi es solo que estas ardido porque yo si te expuse como lo que eres, solo un acosador de mujeres por eso no quitas el dedo de el renglón. que pena que hasta tu esposa te forzó cambiar los baños de lugar para que no anduvieras acosando y espiando a las mujeres por los hoyos que hacías en las paredes para espiarlas que pena. das lastima por eso no quise trabajar con en tu gimnasio, una pena que te la des de santo. das lastima, y respecto a tu chisme de athletic son los mismos malos estudiantes que corrí por viejas chismosas. sigue inventando y tratando de hacerte pasar por estudiantes que ya lo tienes muy quemado. algún día te van a denunciar ya veras, eso es lo que no te debería dejar dormir. no yo maricon
ven lo que digo

mira milton marin como siempre echándole a otra gente tus mentiras muchas personas te conocen y saben lo que haces y lo que real mente eres, lo que escribas con respecto a mi es solo que estas ardido porque yo si te expuse como lo que eres, solo un acosador de mujeres por eso no quitas el dedo de el renglón. que pena que hasta tu esposa te forzó cambiar los baños de lugar para que no anduvieras acosando y espiando a las mujeres por los hoyos que hacías en las paredes para espiarlas que pena. das lastima por eso no quise trabajar con en tu gimnasio, una pena que te la des de santo. das lastima, y respecto a tu chisme de athletic son los mismos malos estudiantes que corrí por viejas chismosas. sigue inventando y tratando de hacerte pasar por estudiantes que ya lo tienes muy quemado. algún día te van a denunciar ya veras, eso es lo que no te debería dejar dormir. no yo maricon

ven lo que digo sigue tirandole a Milton Marin y no responde sus propias acusaciones da pena ese idiota
scoca la farsa

ven lo que digo sigue tirandole a Milton Marin y no responde sus propias acusaciones da pena ese idiota

Y que sepamos Milton Marin a la fecha sigue feliz casado con Carolina y usted?????????? hasta su esposa dice lo farsante que es usted en los foros, perdon exesposa!!! pobre mujer
El Maldito de Roberto Scoca o Carlos Hernandez.

Y que sepamos Milton Marin a la fecha sigue feliz casado con Carolina y usted?????????? hasta su esposa dice lo farsante que es usted en los foros, perdon exesposa!!! pobre mujer

Hola, Mi nombre is Monica Gabriela Lopez. Yo soy de origen Peruano y vivo en los Estados Unidos de NorteAmerica desde hace ya 15 años. Tengo 29 años y conocí al maldito de Roberto Scoca o su nombre verdadero Carlos Hernandez en el 2007. El nunca ha sido maestro de artes marciales y nunca lo será. Nos casamos en el 2008 y tuvimos tres hijos juntos. Cuando comenzamos la relación el me dijo que había tomando clases de Tae Kwon Do y Jujitsu y que deseaba enseñar. Por lo cual se fue a una academia de Tae Kwon Do y compró un libro en la Biblioteca Americana de como enseñar Jujitsu. El nunca fué maestro el nunca tuvo ningun tipo de entrenamiento formado, ese animal paga muchos dolares a los chinos y brazileros para que se tomen una foto con el mostrando un cinturon negro que no se lo merece. El paga a los Senseis para que mientan por el. El como ha sido comprobado falsificó los titulos de jutjitsu porque ese pobre imbecil, es de origen Mexicano, no habla Portugues, nunca estuvo en Brazil, su familia son Narcos que mandan y traen droga desde Texas a Juarez y el se escapó de esa vida porque lo mandaron a la carcel y casi lo matan. En lo personal el me abandonó embarazada de nuetro tercer hijo. El no se ha encargado de sus 3 hijos en 3 años y ahora se ha casado con una joven de Costa Rica que lo mantiene porque eso el lo que es, un pobre MANTENIDO Y MENTIROSO. El vive mintiendo a la gente, asi como le mintió Y robó a Milton. Tengo pruebas, tengo fotos de todo lo que es Roberto Scoca que ni siquiera le compra un pan a sus hjos y son tres! y se llena la boca que invierte en otros gymnacios cuando sus HIJOS no tendrian que comer si no fuera por mi! SU MADRE! maldito idiota espero que se pudra en su patria Mexicana y que aprenda a hablar Español porque ni siquiera sabe escribir bien. Su madre una drogadicta que lo abandono y su padre un narco de los buenos. Basura! uno no abandona a los hijos! ni los animales lo hacen!. ROBERTO SCOCA ES UN NOMBRE FALSO Y FALSO ES ROBERTO SCOCA. ROBERTO SCOCA NO EXISTE, NO ES MAESTRO Y NO ES NADA NI NADIE.
Y que sepamos Milton Marin a la fecha sigue feliz casado con Carolina y usted?????????? hasta su esposa dice lo farsante que es usted en los foros, perdon exesposa!!! pobre mujer

Hola, Mi nombre is Monica Gabriela Lopez. Yo soy de origen Peruano y vivo en los Estados Unidos de NorteAmerica desde hace ya 15 años. Tengo 29 años y conocí al maldito de Roberto Scoca o su nombre verdadero Carlos Hernandez en el 2007. El nunca ha sido maestro de artes marciales y nunca lo será. Nos casamos en el 2008 y tuvimos tres hijos juntos. Cuando comenzamos la relación el me dijo que había tomando clases de Tae Kwon Do y Jujitsu y que deseaba enseñar. Por lo cual se fue a una academia de Tae Kwon Do y compró un libro en la Biblioteca Americana de como enseñar Jujitsu. El nunca fué maestro el nunca tuvo ningun tipo de entrenamiento formado, ese animal paga muchos dolares a los chinos y brazileros para que se tomen una foto con el mostrando un cinturon negro que no se lo merece. El paga a los Senseis para que mientan por el. El como ha sido comprobado falsificó los titulos de jutjitsu porque ese pobre imbecil, es de origen Mexicano, no habla Portugues, nunca estuvo en Brazil, su familia son Narcos que mandan y traen droga desde Texas a Juarez y el se escapó de esa vida porque lo mandaron a la carcel y casi lo matan. En lo personal el me abandonó embarazada de nuetro tercer hijo. El no se ha encargado de sus 3 hijos en 3 años y ahora se ha casado con una joven de Costa Rica que lo mantiene porque eso el lo que es, un pobre MANTENIDO Y MENTIROSO. El vive mintiendo a la gente, asi como le mintió Y robó a Milton. Tengo pruebas, tengo fotos de todo lo que es Roberto Scoca que ni siquiera le compra un pan a sus hjos y son tres! y se llena la boca que invierte en otros gymnacios cuando sus HIJOS no tendrian que comer si no fuera por mi! SU MADRE! maldito idiota espero que se pudra en su patria Mexicana y que aprenda a hablar Español porque ni siquiera sabe escribir bien. Su madre una drogadicta que lo abandono y su padre un narco de los buenos. Basura! uno no abandona a los hijos! ni los animales lo hacen!. ROBERTO SCOCA ES UN NOMBRE FALSO Y FALSO ES ROBERTO SCOCA. ROBERTO SCOCA NO EXISTE, NO ES MAESTRO Y NO ES NADA NI NADIE.

Hasta Milton le pagaba la academia para que ensene. Pobre diablo Si lees esto ya se donde vives. Vives en Coronado, dependiendo de tu esposa y tu suegra basura! Te voy a poner una demanda a ti y a tu esposita para que le den de comer a mis hijos!
HI My name is Monica Lopez and I live in Utah. I met Roberto Scoca or Carlos Hernandez, in 2007. I was his wife from 2008 to 2012. We had three children together. Roberto Scoca is a made up name, Roberto Scoca does not exist. There is not a birth certificate that has the name ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ ROBERTO SCOCA this is a false name. ROBERTO SCOCA DOES NOT EXIST IN ANY COUNTRY OR SCHOOL. His real name is Carlos Hernandez. He is from Mexico, Juarez. His father was a drug dealer and his mother a drug addict. He grew up with no family other than grandparents and sisters. He has never been certified in any type ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ martial arts. When I met "Roberto Scoca" he was an illegal immigrant from Mexico and that's why he made up that name. His family are drug dealers from Mexico to United States. I am a US Citizen so when we married and I try to make him legal in the United States I could not make him legal because he had been in jail with drug trafficking charges and came to the United States Illegally. He bought a Jutjitsu book and that's how he learn to teach. HE BOUGHT A BOOK IN A LIBRARY IN UTAH. I was there when he bought it. It cost 30 dollars. He read the book and practice the movement and talked to a Tae Kwon Do Teacher to let him teach Taw Kwon Do and bought a black belt in Tae kwon do. He knew taw Kwon do but he never had a black belt in tae kwon do or jutjitsu. He paid the asian teachers to give him a belt. Since his name is not real, he lied in the certificates. He is not Roberto Scoca, his name is Carlos Hernandez Ruiz , from Juarez Mexico, never went to Brazil or China and he does not speak Portugues and his Spanish is horrible. He is a lie, he left me with three kids, he does not support his kids at all, he does not see his kids, and the ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ reason why his kids are alive and well is because ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ me! He always lies lives off people like his current wife, he is a douchebag a good for nothing that waits for woman to support him like I did at one point, he lied to Milton Marin in Costa Rica and pretty much stole most ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ his students. ROBERTO SCOCA IS NOBODY , HE IS NOT A MASTER HE IS A LIAR THAT MAKES UP EXCUSES AND LIES NOT TO FIGHT. He buys black belts. He does not exist in any country. He is A FRAUD.
Ahora si se des***cho tere

jajajajajajajajajaja hasta la exesposa le tira

y ahora que va a decir ese mae???? que tambien lo de la esposa es culpa de milton marin y que todo es un complot para joderlo???? si dice eso ya seria el colmo

cual habra sido el libro que se compro en Estados??' que lo pase para tambien yo montarme una academia.

lo peor es: en serio los alumnos le creian????

a ver si aparece algun exalumno y nos cuenta el chisme de como se dieron cuenta

Scoca corra que ahi viene su esposa a ponerle la pension y si no paga lo guardan en la carcel y ahi no hay jujitsu ni taekondo que valga

para verdades el tiempo

y la exesposa!
Y AHora??

y ahora que va a hacer Scoca?? O carlos hernandez como es su verdadero nombre..... Acá lo dice el TSE

Que deje de estafar a las personas por algo que no es y no se ha ganado, a los demás cintas negras les ha costado años llegar al punto donde están para que una basura como esta persona venga a mentir y desvalorar el BJJ. Y si quiere ser reconocido como cinta negra a pesar de todo esto que vaya y busque a los de verdad a ver como le va............


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