
Red Hot Chili Peppers terminan descanso de dos años

Pasaba por una pagina que frecuento y encontre entre las noticias lo siguiente me da pere traducirlo:

The lengthy Red Hot Chili Peppers hiatus is over - the band has announced it will reconvene in October.

Drummer Chad Smith, who used his downtime to form supergroup Chickenfoot with Sammy Hagar, insists he and his bandmates plan to "jam" together for the first time in two years this autumn, ending reports ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a split.

Smith tells

"Everybody was like, 'Y'know, I really like having this time off, not being a Chili Pepper and doing other things... It'll be two years in September, so now we're ready.

"You can't force people to play when they don't want to play or aren't ready to play or whatever - not in our band, anyway."

FUENTE: ... years.html
Que bien, ya quiero otro disco de los Red Hot!!! Ojala dejen un poco de lado lo mas pop del stadium arcadium y vuelvan a las raices!!! Pero ojala saque un nuevo disco.

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