

The bedposts are cool to the touch
The sheets are crumpled into an Oldenburg
Three hairs rolled over his undershirt
A spare tire rolled under his overshirt
But ... Scratz, scratz, scratz, scratz
(Dirty Fingernail)
Ollie wasn't young like he was last night
Scratz, scratz, scratz, scratz
(Dirty Fingernails)
The sheets still showed the yellow spot
Ann ran her tongue along the ridges by the Gulf
Thoughts slipped into valleys
Concealed by dense Mexicali underbush hair
A flag ran up his pole
And waved firmness with wings
But ... Scratz, scratz, scratz, scratz
(Dirty Fingernails)
Ollie wasn't at all as young like he was last night
Scratz, scratz, scratz, scratz
(Dirty Fingernails)
The sheets still showed the yellow spot

God Blees You!!!!
Viejo cual es el sentido de este Post ???

Digo no entiendo el sentido de la letra ni la Musica y lo que pusiste no tiene ni video ! :eek:

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