
El Diccionario del forero


Maes, me gustaría hacer una pequeña compilación de algunos de los términos que se utilizan acá en el foro y que algunos no entendemos bien o lo desconocemos del todo. Espero que ustedes puedan seguir aportando muchos más!

Así que empezamos. La Real Academia de la Lengua presenta el diccionario del forero:

+1, +2, +10, +100 etc etc: Se trata de puntos en muestra de apoyo y concordancia de lo que alguien haya expuesto. Funcionan también en forma negativa. -1 :eek:
Avatar: Imagen que identifica a cada miembro y forma parte de su perfil. Puede ser un ícono personalizado, a veces fijo o a veces con movimiento (archivo .gif)
Administrador: Casi los dueños de esto. En realidad el admnistrador tiene más opciones para poder controlar todo lo relacionado con el foro. Les dan mantenimiento y actualización a la página
Banear: Sinónimo de censurar. A fulanito de tal lo banearon. Es decir, lo bloquearon y hasta le borran lo que haya puesto. "A mae que gueiso me banearon"
Emoticons: Pequeñas imágenes usadas para expresar algún sentimiento, son muy usadas en los messenger o hasta el celular por ejemplo. Toy triste :( o toy pepis :cool1: etc etc.
Escans (scans): Son escaneadas ( imagenes digitalizadas).
Foro: Donde se encuentra metido usted en este momento. En realidad se trata de un espacio donde se opina, se discute, se critican toda clase de temas desde lo más serio, hasta lo más inverosímil.
Lechers: Son los maes que entran en un foro y nunca aportan nada y solo viven de lo que aportan los demás....
LoL: Se usa para expresar risa, o felicidad... Laught or Laughting. l o l :-o
Moderador: Miembros del foro reconocidos y que poseen más permisos que el resto.
Post: Acción. Abrir un tema. Yo posteo, tu posteas el postea nosotros posteamos, etc etc.
Sub-foro: Foro dentro del foro. Véase foro arriba.
Aquí hay más:

* 10x — Thanks[1]
* 1337 — From the word Leet, derived from the word elite[2]
* 2 — too, or to[1]
* 2L8 — Too late[3]
* 2U2 — To you too[3]
* <3 — love; a sideways heart.[4]
* </3 — lost love (or sometimes hate) ; a sideways heart with a slash through it.
* 4 — for[1]
* 404 — I haven't a clue; from the code for the common "Not Found" error message.[3]
* 4GM — Forgive me[3]
* ?4U — Question for you[3]


* AAMOF — As a matter ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ fact[3]
* ADN — Any day now[5]
* AFAICR/S/T — As far as I can recall / remember / see / tell[1]
* AFAIK — As far as I know[6]
* AFK — Away from keyboard[6]
* AKA — Also known as[3]
* AITR — Adult in the room[5]
* AIUI — As I understand it[1]
* ANFSCD — And Now For Something Completely Different. Used to change the subject ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ conversation.[7]
* ASAP — As soon as possible[8]
* ASL or A/S/L — Age / sex / location[9]
* ATEOTD — At The End ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the Day[7]
* ATM — At the moment[6]
* ATYS — Anything you say[3]
* AWA — As well as[3]
* AWOL — Absent Without (Official) Leave[1]
* AYBABTU (also abbreviated as AYB) — All your base are belong to us (from the video game Zero Wing)[1]


* Bai — Bye[9]
* B2B — Business to Business[6]
* BBIAB — Be back in a bit[9]
* BBL/S — Be back later / shortly / soon[9]
* BCNU — Be seein' you[6]
* BF - Boy friend
* BFF - Best friends forever[9]
* BFFL - Best friends for life[1]
* BFN — Bye for now[1]
* Blog — Also known as web log or an online journal[1]
* BOF — Beginning ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ file[1]
* BOFH — Bastard operator from hell[6]
* BOHICA - Bend Over Here It Comes Again[1]
* Bot — Any type ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ automated software in chatrooms and web-cataloging software[10]
* BRB — Be right back[6]
* BRT — Be right there[1]
* BS — Backstab / Bullshit[1]
* BSOD — Blue Screen ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Death[6]
* BTDT — Been there done that[9]
* BTDTGTTSAWIO - Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and wore it out[11]
* BTW — By the way[10]
* Bump — Increment (For example, C++'s operator.)[6] or a backronym for "Bring Up My Post"[1]
* BW or B/W — Between or black-and-white.[12]


* CBA — Can't Be Arsed. A term to indicate or dictate laziness.[1]
* CBF — Can't Be Fucked (a variation ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the above term)
* CMIIW — Correct me if I'm wrong[1]
* Crawl — To retrieve a web page along with the hyperlinks that reference it[10]
* Crapplet — A poorly written computer application[13]
* CU — See you (later)[6]
* CYA — See ya OR Cover Your Ass[1]
* Cyber (prefix) — A term used to connect the subsequent word loosely to the world ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ computers or the Internet or sex over a computer[10]
* Cyberspace — Virtual reality, the Internet, the World Wide Web, and other kinds ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ computer systems. Science fiction author William Gibson popularized the term in his novel Neuromancer. Gibson used the word to describe a virtual world ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ computer networks that his cyberpunk heroes 'jacked into'[10]


* DDG — Drop Dead Gorgeous[1]
* DFTT — Don't feed the trolls[7]
* DGAF — Don't Give A Fuck[1]
* DIAF — Die in a fire[7]
* DILLIGAF/D/S — Does it look like I give a flip / fuck / damn / shit[7]
* DND — Do not disturb[1]
* DOA — Dead on arrival. Refers to hardware that has never worked.[6]
* DW - Don't Worry.[7]


* EOF — End ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ File[6]
* EOM — End ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Message[9]
* EOL — End ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Life. Device or hardware that is at the end ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ its product life cycle.[9]
* EQ — EverQuest[1]
* ETA — Estimated time ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ arrival[1], later (especially on blogs), Edited To Add [7]


* FAQ — Frequently Asked Question(s)[6]
* FFS — For fuck's sake[9]
* Flamer — Someone who makes inflammatory, abusive or directly offensive comments. Similar to, but not quite the same as an Internet troll[6]
* FMCDH — From My Cold Dead Hands[1]
* FOAD — Fuck off and die[6]
* FOADIAF — Fuck off and die in a fire
* FOAF — Friend ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a friend[6]
* FOFL — Falling On Floor Laughing- almost the same as ROFL.
* FPS — First Person Shooter
* FTFY — Fixed That For You
* FTL — For the lose / loss[7]
* FTW — For the win / fuck the world[9][1]
* FU — Fuck you[1]
* FUBAR — Fucked up beyond all recognition / repair (from military slang; pronounced "foo-bar")[6]
* FUD — Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt (the purposeful spread ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ misinformation)[6]
* FWIW — For what it's worth[6]
* FYI — For your information[6]


* GBCW — Goodbye Cruel World[7] - a dramatic leave taking ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a forum or site
* GBTW — Get back to work[1]
* GF — Great/good fight; or girlfriend[1]
* GFETE — Grinning from ear to ear[7]
* GFU — Good for you[1]
* GFY — Go fuck yourself[1]
* GG — Good game, used at or near the conclusion ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a gaming match[9]
* GGF — Go Get Fucked[1]
* GIYF — Google is your friend[1]
* GL — Good luck, often used at beginning ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a contest[9]
* GLHF — Good luck and have fun[1]
* GJ — Good job[1]
* GMTA — Great minds think alike[1]
* Godwin's Law — Dictates that the longer a thread, the more likely someone will post a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler[14]
* Gratz — Congratulations[1]
* GTFO — Get the fuck out OR Get the fuck off[1]
* GTG or G2G — 'Got to go' or 'Good to go'[9]
* GR — Good Race[1]
* GR8 — Great[1]


* HAND — Have A Nice Day[6], often used with YHBT.
* Handle — Name used in online chat, (AKA nick(name), alias, screen/user name)[10]
* HF — Have fun[1]
* Haxor or H4x0r (1337) — Hacker[9]
* Hit — A request made to the web server, (noun) the results ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ an internet search, (verb) loading a Web page. Hits are not equivalent to visitors ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a webpage.[10]
* Home page — The website's introduction page, starting point, and guide. The technical term is "index"[10]
* Hot list — A collection ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ publicly available URLs (World Wide Web site addresses), sometimes available as text files.[10]
* HTH — Hope this / that helps, or happy to help[6]
* H8 — Hate[1]


* IANAL — I am not a lawyer[6]
* IAWTC — I agree with that/this comment[1]
* IBTL — In before the lock[13]
* IC -- I see
* IK- I know
* IDC — I don't care[1]
* IDK — I don't know[6]
* IDW — I don't wanna (want to)
* IINM — If I'm not mistaken[1]
* IIRC — If I recall / remember correctly[6]
* IIUC — If I understand correctly[1]
* ILY— I love you[13]
* IMO/IMHO/IMNSHO/IMAO — In my (humble / honest / not so humble / arrogant) opinion[6][10][15]
* Information superhighway — The Internet (AKA: I-way, infobahn)[10]
* Inkernet — Popularized by The Dawn and Drew Show, this alternative term for the Internet is frequently heard when Dawn Miceli signs off with "Good night, inkernet."
* IONO — I don't know[1]
* IOW — In other words[6]
* IRC — Internet Relay Chat[6]
* IRL — In real life[6]
* ISTR - I Seem To Recall [7]
* ITT - In this topic
* ITYM — I Think You Mean[1]
* IWSN — I want sex now[13]
* IYKWIM — If you know what I mean[16]


* Jaggy — Aliased computer graphics[10]
* JAHOYFT — Just ask her out, you fucking tool![17]
* JAS — Just a second[1]
* JIC' — Just in case[1]
* JFGI — Just Fucking/Freaking Google It[7]
* JK or j/k — Just kidding, or joke[1]
* JSYK - Just so you know[1]
* JFTR — Just for the records [1]
* JOOC — Just out ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ curiosity [1]


* k or kk — OK[7]
* KIR — Keeping it real[3].
* KISS — Keep it simple stupid.[7]
* KIT — Keep in touch[3].
* KMA — Kiss my ass[1]
* KOS — Kill on sight[1]
* KOTC/L —Kiss on the cheek/lips[3].
* KS(ing) — Kill Stealing [1]
* KTHX — OK, thanks[7]
* KTHXBAI or KTHXBYE — OK, thanks, goodbye, used either to cut short a conversation or to express displeasure with being cut short[7]
* KWIM — Know what I mean?[7]


* L2P — Learn to play; an admonishment to video game players who are incompetent and/or whine[1]
* L8R — Later (sometimes abbreviated to L8ER); is commonly used in chat rooms and other text based communications as a way ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ saying good bye.[9]
* Lag — Slang term for slow Internet speeds or high Internet latency; Lag is sometimes due to a server problem, but more frequently due to the connection between client and server. A slow or intermittent connection may often be referred to as laggy[6]
* Lamer — A know-nothing, one who is lame.[6]
* Leet — Often spelled as l33t or 1337 in ASCII form. It originally meant elite[6]
* LFG — Looking for group[1]
* LFM — Looking for more[1]
* LMAO, LMFAO, LMMFAO — Laugh my ass off, laugh my fucking ass off, laugh my mother fucking ass off[9]
* LMIRL — Let's meet in real life.[1]
* LMK — Let me know[1]
* LOL — Laughing out loud, laugh out loud, or in rare cases lots ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ love[18]
* LOTI — Laughing on the inside[1]
* LTNS — Long time no see[9]
* Lurker — Someone who frequents a Usenet group without participating in discussions[6]
* Luser — Loser + user; an annoying user from the perspective ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ tech support or a system administrator; also spelled luzer or luzzer[19].


* MCPWNAGE - same as Ownage
* MMORPG, MMO — Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Game[9]
* MMOFPS — Massive Multi-player Online First Person Shooter[1]
* MOO — MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) Object Orientated [1]
* MOTD — Message ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the day[6]
* MS or M$ — Microsoft[1]
* MTFBWY — May The Force be with you[7]
* MUD — Multi-User Dungeon[6]
* MUSH — Multi-User Shared Hallucination[6]
* MYOB — Mind your own business[6]
* M8 — Mate[1]


* N2M — Not(hing) too much[20]
* N2B — Not too bad[20]
* NE1 — "Anyone"[21]
* Newbie, noob, or n00b — An inexperienced user ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ a system or game,[6] or an annoying person.[1]
* NG - Abreveiaition for Newgrounds
* NFW — No freaking way (polite form)[1]
* NM — (Sometimes written N/M) Not much, Never mind or no message, used on message boards or in e-mails to indicate that everything is already said in the subject line.[9][22]
* NP — No problem[9]
* NSFW — Not safe for work. Warning about content that may get the viewer in trouble with his employer or co-workers.[23][24]
* NTY — No, Thank You[1]
* NVM, NVMD, or nm — Nevermind, not much[25]
* NSS No Shit Sherlock
* NBD No Big Deal


* O RLY — Oh really?[26]
* OIC — Oh, I see[6]
* OFN — Old fucking news[6]
* OMG — Oh, my God[9]
* OMFG — Oh, my fucking God[9]
* OMGWTFBBQ- Oh my God, What the Fuck/Freak, Barbecue[1]
* OMW — On my way or Oh my word[1]
* OP — Original poster / Operator / Outpost[1]
* OS — Operating system[6]
* OT — Off topic[1]
* OTOH — On the other hand[6]
* OTP — On the phone or One true pairing[1]


* P2P — Peer to peer, or pay to play[1]
* PAW — Parents are watching[16]
* PEBKAC — Problem exists between keyboard and chair[6]
* Ping — From the popular network monitoring tool, used as a greeting similar to "Are you there?".[27][28]
* PITA — Pain in the arse / ass[6]
* PLMK — Please let me know[6]
* plz — Please[1]
* PM — Personal message or private message[1]
* ::pOOF:: — Goodbye (leaving the room) [3]
* POS — Piece ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ shit, or parent over shoulder.[9]
* POTS — Plain old telephone service[6]
* POV — Point ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ view[16]
* PPL — People[16]
* PST — Please send tell[1]
* PTKFGS — Punch the Keys For God's Sake[1]
* pr0n — Intentional misspelling ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ porn[1]
* PW — Persistent World (gaming)[7]
* pwned or pwnd — Owned[7]


* QFA — Quoted for accuracy. Similar to QFT[7]
* QFT — Quoted for truth. Used on internet message boards to show agreement from a previous message[7] also stands for "Quit Fucking Talking"
* QT — Cutie[3].


* Rehi (or merely re) — Hello again[6]
* RL — Real Life[6]
* Rly — Really (See also: O rly) />
* RO(T)FL — Rolling on (the) floor laughing[6]
* RO(T)FLMAO — Rolling on (the) floor laughing my ass off[6]
* RO(T)FLOL — Rolling on (the) floor laughing out loud[6]
* RSN — Real soon now (often used sarcastically)[6]
* RTA - Read The Article
* RTFB — Read the fucking binary (or book)[6]
* RTFS — Read the fucking source[6]
* RTFM/RTM — Read the (fucking) manual[6]


* SCNR — Sorry, could not resist[8]
* sk8/sk8r — skate/skater[7]
* Smiley — Another name for emoticons[10]
* SMH — Shaking my head[7]
* SNAFU — Situation normal: all (fucked/[6]fouled) up[1]
* Snail mail — Normal paper mail service[10]
* SOL - Shit Outta Luck
* Spider — The program behind a search engine[10]
* Sry - Sorry[9]
* STFU — Shut the fuck up[29]
* STFW — Search the fucking web[6]
* Soz — Sorry[9]
* SU - Shut up
* SWIM — Someone Who Isn't Me[1]
* SYM - Shut your mouth
* Srsly? - Seriously?


* TANSTAAFL — There ain't no such thing as a free lunch, from Robert A. Heinlein's novel The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress[6]
* TBF — Time between failures[6]
* TBH, TBQH — To be (quite) honest[7]
* TCIO — This converstion is over.
* T,FTFY — There, Fixed That For You. A variant ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ FTFY
* TGIF — Thank God it's Friday[1]
* TH(N)X , TNX or TX — Thanks[9]
* TIA — Thanks in advance[6]
* TINC — There Is No Cabal, a term discouraging conspiracy theories[6]
* TISNF - This is so not fair[1]
* TL;DR - Too Long; Didn't Read, an admonishment that a post is too lengthy or lacks worthwhile content[1]
* TMI — Too much information[1]
* TOS — Terms ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ service[6]
* TTBOMK — To the best ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ my knowledge[8]
* TTFN — Ta ta for now[6]
* TTT — To the top, used in forums to bump a thread[1]
* TTTH — Talk to the hand[7]
* TTYL — Talk to you later (also spelled TTUL, T2UL or T2YL)[6]
* TTYS — Talk to you soon [1]
* TTYTT — To Tell You The Truth[1]
* Tweedler — One who has deep love for all computer related technology and gadgets[10]
* TWIMC — To Whom It May Concern[7]
* TY — Thank you[9]
* TYT — Take your time[6]
* TYVM — Thank you very much[16]


* U, Ur — You, your[1]
* UTFSE — Use the fucking search engine[1]


* VB(SE)G — Very big (shit-eating) grin[3].
* VEG/S — Very evil grin/smile[3].
* VWG/S — Very wicked grin/smile[3].


* w00t, w00T or WOOT — First two express exuberance, the latter is a backronym for the term "We Own the Other Team".[1]
* W/ or W/O — With or without[1]
* WB — Welcome back[6]
* WD — Well Done[1]
* W/E — Whatever[1]
* WP — Well Played[7]
* WRT — With respect / regard to[6]
* WTB — Want to buy[1]
* WTF — What the fuck[6]
* WTG — Way to go[6]
* WTH — What the hell, What the hack[6]
* WTS — Want to sell[1]
* WTT — Want to trade[1]
* WUG — What you got?[1]
* WUBU2 — What (have) you been up to?[1]
* WUU2 — What (are) you up to?[1]
* WUW — What you want?[1]
* WYSIWYG — What you see is what you get[6][10]
* W8 — Wait[1]
* WOW - World ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ Warcraft[1]


* Y — Why[9]
* YA RLY — Yeah Really (invariably preceeded by "O RLY")
* YHBT — You have been trolled.[7] Typically used as "YHBT. YHL. HAND."
* YHL — You have lost[7], see YHBT.
* YKW — You know what?[13]
* YMMV — Your mileage may vary.[9]
* YT — You there?[1]
* YTMND — You're The Man Now, Dog[1]
* YW — You're welcome.[1]
* YOYO — You're On Your Own.[1]
* YOYOW - You own your own words. [1]


* ZOMG (sometimes OMGZ)— An intentional misspelling ************SPAM/BANNEAR************ the initials for "Oh My God/Gosh" used to indicate extreme excitement[9]
una q dicen mucho parecera estupido mi comentario pero ahi va lo usan mucho en chicas lindas se le ve lo tierrosa q putada quiere decir eso :?: :?: q alguien me explqueeeeeeeee!!!
SoNiCo dijo:
quote: hacer copia textual de un foreros para responderle
loser: pooh... :-D

Y segun usted es super ganador.... vaya ver quien lo culea soniko....

soniko: hermafrodita...
Tierrosa = 1) - wila de campo o afueras de la ciudad, generalmente asociado con carajillas o menores pero aplicable a cualquier edad y hasta estrato social. Que tierrosa mas fea!, 2) - wila que apesar de ser bonita algunas veces no es el tipo de mujer con quien te relacionarias seriamente (llamese matrimonio, presentarla a los tatas, presentarse publicamente con ella a menos que la quiera exibir por culote) una Maria la del barrio, que culote, lastima que es una tierrosa. "despectivo"

karen de la leon 13:
safito dijo:
Las tierrosas tienen su perfil en hi5, las no tierrosas lo tienen en facebook...

ah ok entonces tenes 25 amigas tierrosas .

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